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Mad Bomber Mad Bomber is offline now
Rank 5 Star General 5 Star General
Membership Type Premium
Player #376
Joined WarGear 13th Nov 2009
Last Visit 27th Jul 2024 04:52
Country United States
Championship Points 773 (#1)
Global Ranking Score 2005 (#109)
Monthly Score 1028
Team Score 1575
H Rating 74%
Average turn time 10 hours 53m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 0 (12)
Elimination Streak (Best) 0 (24)
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Mad Bomber's Achievements

  • Combateer (Play 2000 Public Games)
  • Competent (Win 500 Public Games)
  • Team Specialist (Play 100 Public Team Games)
  • Got Your Back (Win 10 Public Team Games)
  • Socialite (Post 100 comments on the discussion board)
  • Explorer (Play games on 50 different boards)
  • Founder (First 1000 player numbers)
  • Friend of the People (Friended by 25 Players)
  • Not Feeling the Love (Enemy of a Player)
  • Unstoppable (Eliminate 20 players in succession)
  • Mega Winstreak (Win 10 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
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  • Critic (Rate 10 boards)
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  • Quick Thinker (Played a Realtime game)
  • Fischer Price (Played a Fischer Clock game)
  • In The Points (Scored a Championship Point)

Mad Bomber's Trophy Cabinet


Hugh was/is the best player.....the guy has nearly 200 loses from boots

I play more than three boards....

i want equal amounts of blueberry's in every muffin

Negative 22 r 1.......

Only Thingol knows my pain

It's been fun..... very few people know 1/7

Mad Bomber's Wall

Pages:   123456   (6 in total)
9th Jan 2014 23:15
Message from Cona Chris
Wow, 1000 games passed and you passed BD at long last! Congratulations! I had better stay on my game...
#78 of 118
7th Jan 2014 10:54
Message from IRsmart
closing in on the top of the rankings I see :)
#77 of 118
30th Dec 2013 18:02
Message from Rasputin
Thanks bud, can't wait to start winning again lol
#76 of 118
17th Dec 2013 13:24
Message from Kancercakes
In Six sticks game. I think Zaku is going to win this, because we can't find a good balance. We are going to keep going back and forth at each other while he gets the +15 bonus and 8 troops on almost all territories. Take henan and anhui and that will leave us at +11 and +11 if I counted right. Then take a few turns on Zaku or just truce until one of us takes him out. What you say?
#75 of 118
5th Dec 2013 12:21
Message from Kav
I don't understand your question. I think you should get 2 Bonus in 1st round, if that is what you are asking. I can't see the game due to fog.
#74 of 118
22nd Oct 2013 19:40
Message from Nikolai
A very formidable opponent. Watch out!
#73 of 118
23rd Sep 2013 14:30
Message from DBA72
I'm sure I'll be around, but I think I need a break for awhile. Not any particular person or thing. I've been winding down for awhile now.
#72 of 118
23rd Sep 2013 14:14
Message from KillDawg
In regards to 11 gears in my pocket watch, I thought I was doing a lot better than I actually am, was sure you had a load of cards to snatch, and assumed that I was the direction you would expand into. I don't think it was a bad move, but I do think I moved to early. I temporarily lost my premium membership so I had to post this on your wall.
#71 of 118
23rd Sep 2013 13:56
Message from Chinnie
That's fair enough. I will heed to your message (is that even correct english?)
#70 of 118
22nd Sep 2013 19:38
Message from ActionRaccoon
Hey man! Good luck in Hail Panglacia!
#69 of 118
29th Aug 2013 18:01
Message from itsnotatumor
Thanks man I appreciate it. Nice trophies btw.
#68 of 118
20th Aug 2013 05:36
Message from Teamster
Congrats! I hope you like the trophy.
#67 of 118
6th Aug 2013 13:02
Message from corvo013
Sorry. I don't follow your request "Please expand" in that game where we're not on the same team. I don't have premium to reply in-game.
#66 of 118
22nd Jun 2013 11:10
Message from Jigler
the gate on world 6 seems to be working to me. I need to add a graphic on the board for clarification, but the gate itself can attack both directions, the space to the right of the gate cannot attack the gate. :)
#65 of 118
18th Jun 2013 13:59
Message from Cona Chris
Congrats on making it to 400 CPs!
#64 of 118
9th Jun 2013 17:37
Message from Thingol
Retiring soon (as soon as my tourney games ramp down).
#63 of 118
3rd May 2013 13:44
Message from Cona Chris
Thanks! I had a lot of run "racing" with you to try an overtake BD. I just went below 400 pts. - hopefully I'll get them back soon.
#62 of 118
5th Apr 2013 10:50
Message from Quazimoto
That is what it was, I looked again after I posted you and found it, thanks for getting back to me.
#61 of 118
3rd Apr 2013 17:53
Message from Quazimoto
on the 25x25 dense game, I can't place my armies or go at all, I understand you can loose some but how do you go if you have to place all of them.
#60 of 118
12th Mar 2013 07:23
Message from Toto
Sure, I would play more if they were less cheaters around (I mean not only these 2 are cheating). Anyway it's sometimes difficult to say...
#59 of 118
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