194 Open Daily games
4 Open Realtime games
  • Rating:
  • Rating Score: 8.20 out of 10 [25 ratings]
  • Difficulty: Beginner
  • Created Date: 20th Jan 2010
  • Release Date: 29th Jan 2010
  • Games Played: 383

Design Information
Territories 15
Continents 11
Advanced Features One-way Borders
Border Modifiers
Board Settings
Gameplay Turn Based
Available Players
Card Sets Worth 3,3,3,3,3,3,3
Territory Selection Automatic
Unit Placement Automatic
Starting Setup Scenario based
Capital Cities Off
Teamplay Disabled
Fog Setting None
Fog Override Disabled
Open Games 0
Seat Color Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
1 Killer Default
2 Detective Default
3 Police Man Default
4 Monk Default
5 Nun Default
6 Writer Default
7 Damsal In Distress Default
8 Nurse Default

Board Description

Cumberdale Classics Presents


Rules: Players start at the bottom of the tower in "safe" spots that can only be attacked from the top of the tower. From the ground and up to the 4rth floor, players can only attack and transfer in an upwards direction.

All attacks occur on an 8 sided dice. However as one ascends the tower, the unit bonus for territories grows by 1 at the same time as the defense dice shrinks by 1 side.

Its all listed on the map!

Another detail worth noting is that on the two LOWER levels, when attacking upwards, you can only attack 3 of the 4 spaces. These 3 differ for each player. For example, on the Ground level, any territory can attack the territory DIRECTLY above them, and the immediate one of either side of it. For the two territories on the edge, their attacks "wrap" around the tower to each the spot above the other edge territory. If that doesn't make sense, I suggest just trying the game. You'll see in your attack phase which space you can attack and I think that will probably help you understnad the best!

good luck and thanks for playing, Cumberdale

Gameplay Settings

Gameplay TypeTurn Based
Return to unit placement from attackOff
Return to attack after fortifyOff
Number of attacks allowedUnlimited
Number of fortifies allowed1
Multiple attacksOn
Allow fortificationBordered
Allow abandonment of territoriesOff
Abandoned territories revert to neutralImmediately
Fog typeNone
Allow override of fog settingNo
Game historyShow

Team Settings

Teamplay EnabledNo
Team VisionOn
Team Unit PlacementOff
Team Unit TransferOff
Team Factory ProductionOff


Card CaptureOn
Maximum number of cards allowed5
Card values3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:2

Bonuses, Limits and Dice

Grant 1 unit per x territories ownedDisabled
Minimum bonus units per turn1
Elimination bonus0
Capturing of reserves on eliminationOn
Maximum reserve units0
Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
Auto Assign FactoriesOff
Number of sides on Attacker's Dice8
Number of sides on Defender's Dice8

Initial Setup

Initial setupSetup based
Lock seat colorsOff
Lock seat orderOff
Lock starting bonus to:Color
Allow seat selectionNone
Number of units per Territory3
Territory selectionAutomatic
Unit placementAutomatic
Neutral countNone
Neutral Factories
Use team names defined in ColorsOff
Allow players to choose seats / teamsNone