Haha! Yes I was going to write on your wall that you were correct in the game 'You spilt my pint'. On the other hand - would I have been better off siding with you than with CeilingCat? I figured he would be easier to deal with in the long run...
im definately digging the site!! gonna upgrade my membership in the near future so i can get into more games. looking forward to having my ass handed to me when we meet in the upcoming ant tournies as well. great motto btw
Toto, i am the moose. It is nice to make your acquaintance. We play in the game titled, the moose 2. I would like to make an alliance with you in this game. Please tell me your terms. I llok forward to your response (on my wall).
That is all.
--- The Moose
Thanks Toto... funny thing is, on warfish I never really cared about tourneys, and I don't here. Just seems that my fav games are 2 player- the heavy fog antastic and bomb factory, so I seem to get a high score often enough. But I think you are quite safe for now... unless I make more time for a BF tourney or 5! (yeah, I think it would take many more tourneys on the go to approach you!).