194 Open Daily games
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Toto Toto is offline now
Rank Brigadier General Brigadier General
Membership Type Standard
Player #1413
Joined WarGear 4th Jan 2010
Last Visit 27th May 2015 19:44
Country Belgium
Championship Points 76 (#44)
Global Ranking Score 3344 (#4)
Monthly Score -
Team Score 1948
H Rating 71%
Average turn time 4 hours 47m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 0 (35)
Elimination Streak (Best) 0 (35)
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Toto's Achievements

  • Marine (Play 1000 Public Games)
  • Competent (Win 500 Public Games)
  • Team Expert (Play 10 Public Team Games)
  • Got Your Back (Win 10 Public Team Games)
  • Socialite (Post 100 comments on the discussion board)
  • Adventurer (Play games on 25 different boards)
  • Elder (Had an account for > 3 years)
  • Buddied Up (Friended by 10 Players)
  • Antagonistic (Enemy of 10 Players)
  • GODLIKE (Eliminate 25 players in succession)
  • Monster Winstreak (Win 20 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
  • Tournament Knight (Joined Tournament)
  • Tournament Champion (Won Tournament)
  • Tournament Team Champion (Won Team Tournament)
  • Critic (Rate 10 boards)
  • Investor (Become a Premium Member)
  • ICU (Upload profile picture)
  • Quick Thinker (Played a Realtime game)
  • Fischer Price (Played a Fischer Clock game)
  • In The Points (Scored a Championship Point)

Toto is Top Ranked on these boards

Toto's Trophy Cabinet

Favorite Boards



Two Eyes for An Eye, The Jaw for A Tooth.

I Will Retaliate...

Toto's Wall

Pages:   12   (2 in total)
9th Nov 2013 19:00
Message from Mad Bomber
Very impressive
#36 of 36
31st Oct 2013 08:40
Message from Thijs
Congrats with your number 1 position!!
#35 of 36
30th Oct 2013 14:33
Message from Atkins
well done sir...we have a new leader on the standard board!
#34 of 36
30th Sep 2013 18:15
Message from ActionRaccoon
Good Game bro (: Happy to know I teamed up with the winner. Look forward to playing with you.
#33 of 36
17th Dec 2012 17:43
Message from Korrun
Good points. That makes a lot more sense when you put it that way. Thanks for the tips.
#32 of 36
22nd Nov 2012 17:35
Message from YuriZ
Haha thanks! Cant make any promises though! ;)
#31 of 36
9th Aug 2012 13:33
Message from ecko
hihi thx :)
#30 of 36
22nd Jul 2012 14:29
Message from Ben Dover
Hi Toto, I have always been there, just mainly participating in team game, and not more than 5 or 6 games at once. Hope to meet you ingame soon
#29 of 36
27th Apr 2012 19:11
Message from Snake Eyes
Wow, you had to build an extention on to your trophy case...Nice.
#28 of 36
25th Mar 2012 10:06
Message from Mad Bomber
looks like 5RC will be taking your #1 spot real soon
#27 of 36
18th Mar 2012 18:54
Message from CrazyAce
I'll bite...but it will take me a turn to set up.
#26 of 36
18th Jan 2012 10:49
Message from Hugh
Thanks man - always been a fan of your image!
#25 of 36
21st Nov 2011 10:25
Message from Rosbif
Haha! Yes I was going to write on your wall that you were correct in the game 'You spilt my pint'. On the other hand - would I have been better off siding with you than with CeilingCat? I figured he would be easier to deal with in the long run...
#24 of 36
18th Nov 2011 11:06
Message from the regulator
im definately digging the site!! gonna upgrade my membership in the near future so i can get into more games. looking forward to having my ass handed to me when we meet in the upcoming ant tournies as well. great motto btw
#23 of 36
17th Nov 2011 17:14
Message from the regulator
good to know thanks toto... you named after dorthys dog or the music group? now i have to go listen to africa! great avatar by the way 8cD
#22 of 36
13th Sep 2011 19:50
Message from The Moose
Toto, i am the moose. It is nice to make your acquaintance. We play in the game titled, the moose 2. I would like to make an alliance with you in this game. Please tell me your terms. I llok forward to your response (on my wall). That is all. --- The Moose
#21 of 36
4th Sep 2011 02:26
Message from Gimli
Thanks Toto... funny thing is, on warfish I never really cared about tourneys, and I don't here. Just seems that my fav games are 2 player- the heavy fog antastic and bomb factory, so I seem to get a high score often enough. But I think you are quite safe for now... unless I make more time for a BF tourney or 5! (yeah, I think it would take many more tourneys on the go to approach you!).
#20 of 36
1st Sep 2011 07:34
Message from Codeman
join my antastic
#19 of 36
19th Aug 2011 20:05
Message from pechin
Toto, I decree that you are a good player on 'The Board'.
#18 of 36
15th Aug 2011 18:42
Message from joeysprinkles
gg Toto. Couldn't you have at least wiped me out last? :)
#17 of 36
Pages:   12   (2 in total)