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4 Open Realtime games

Thingol Thingol is offline now
Rank Major General Major General
Membership Type Standard
Player #8432
Joined WarGear 21st Feb 2011
Last Visit 27th Jul 2024 00:22
Country United States
Championship Points 129 (#28)
Global Ranking Score 2116 (#81)
Monthly Score 1078
Team Score 1604
H Rating 66%
Average turn time 6 hours 52m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 1 (8)
Elimination Streak (Best) 2 (14)
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Thingol's Achievements

  • Ranger (Play 500 Public Games)
  • Above Average (Win 100 Public Games)
  • Team Specialist (Play 100 Public Team Games)
  • Got Your Back (Win 10 Public Team Games)
  • Builder (Release 10 boards)
  • Wordsmith (Post 1000 comments on the discussion board)
  • Explorer (Play games on 50 different boards)
  • Elder (Had an account for > 3 years)
  • Rampage (Eliminate 10 players in succession)
  • Multi Winstreak (Win 5 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
  • Tournament Knight (Joined Tournament)
  • Tournament Champion (Won Tournament)
  • Tournament Team Champion (Won Team Tournament)
  • Critic (Rate 10 boards)
  • Toe Dipper (Trialled Premium Membership)
  • Investor (Become a Premium Member)
  • ICU (Upload profile picture)
  • Quick Thinker (Played a Realtime game)
  • Fischer Price (Played a Fischer Clock game)
  • In The Points (Scored a Championship Point)

Thingol's Trophy Cabinet



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Pages:   123   (3 in total)
10th May 2023 10:00
Message from TinyFingerCerebrum
Oops, I guess I'm playing Hit Enter Too Soon Man. To continue: ... and hoping I'd still be around. I took a break to work on my mental health. I'm still dealing with OCD/ADHD stuff, but I feel that I'm in a position to be back on WarGear without risking that it take over. I'm happy to be back!
#50 of 50
10th May 2023 09:55
Message from TinyFingerCerebrum
Hey @Thingol. I appreciate your message asking about the boots and going
#49 of 50
1st May 2023 10:15
Message from Johasi Vidad
Thanks for giving permission to just ask Tom to reinstate your boards
#48 of 50
22nd Jan 2023 23:05
Message from Andernut
Right with Johasi, I keep wanting to boot up a unique persona's Ravenloft and can't! Love Thingol boards in general though :)
#47 of 50
20th Jan 2023 21:34
Message from Johasi Vidad
Very sad to see so many of your amazing boards in retirement. Hope to have you back on the site.
#46 of 50
30th Nov 2022 07:30
Message from Bobbylon
Long time no see, my friend! Came back and found out two of your boards are not accessible - The Shire and Rohan. When attempting to access them through any link here a pink box with "Board 'The Shire (or Rohan)' not found in database" message appears and one can not view or start a game on the board. The boards however are accessible through the links you provided on your profile page in Wiki, link to which stands above messages here. Hope it is a minor fix issue and games will be available soon.
#45 of 50
17th Sep 2022 21:33
Message from Andernut
Go-Geared was fixed, it brought me hope you might be able to fix some of yours - just wandered by to see how you're doing and see you've been away - hope to see you back soon!
#44 of 50
2nd Sep 2022 19:19
Message from Abishai
Hey Thingol, it looks like you are taking a break just as I'm coming back from mine. I look forward to your return and have always enjoyed our in game dilemmas and chatter.
#43 of 50
18th Dec 2021 06:58
Message from Eggs54
Hi there! What happened to that board Subterfuge? I can see I played it once, with you hosting it, but I am unable to create a new game on it. Do you possibly happen to know why that is ?
#42 of 50
20th Aug 2021 12:20
Message from Andernut
I've been hankering for a game of unique personas - any chance we can see the return? :)
#41 of 50
20th Jul 2021 05:54
Message from Aiken Drumn
Be a Bear! http://www.wargear.net/games/join/800714
#40 of 50
3rd Jun 2021 11:27
Message from Andernut
I think quite a few of us would like to see more Thingol boards on the site, I hope you'll bring the ones that work back!
#39 of 50
9th May 2021 17:25
Message from Templaribus
Hello, Thingol, I hope you are fine! I don't find many of your boards. You are a very clever designer rich of creativity :D I've been searching for The Two Towers, one of my very favourites, in vain. Are your boards retired? I really wish you're fine.
#38 of 50
19th Apr 2021 20:14
Message from Kjeld
Thingol, what happened to all your boards? I can only see AnA and Ravenloft for some reason...
#37 of 50
2nd Apr 2021 19:11
Message from Andernut
I've not been playing some of the old boards but I think the one persona version is superior. I dislike how the multi-persona one results in much vampire bombing of personas. Game doesn't need fewer maps so much as needs a better way of displaying them during create game! Plus most of your maps are awesome, variations and all.
#36 of 50
1st Apr 2021 20:56
Message from Andernut
All casualties of Flash? That's so sad!
#35 of 50
1st Apr 2021 09:29
Message from Andernut
Hey man, was trying to boot up a few Thingol favourites and they're mostly not there - did flash kill them all? I found myself wanting some Ravenloft and Kursk!
#34 of 50
9th Mar 2021 04:54
Message from Aiken Drumn
Join me here! http://www.wargear.net/games/join/780653
#33 of 50
20th Feb 2021 13:45
Message from Johasi Vidad
Taking a break from the site or just wanted to change up the profile image?
#32 of 50
13th May 2020 09:09
Message from zdisabled_b0c46970
hey, I have no idea what I'm doing in our game, lol. glad for any advice/help you'll offer
#31 of 50
Pages:   123   (3 in total)