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KillDawg KillDawg is offline now
Rank Major General Major General
Membership Type Standard
Player #14521
Joined WarGear 26th Feb 2012
Last Visit 1st Sep 2021 14:57
Country United States
Championship Points 117 (#31)
Global Ranking Score 1426 (#658)
Monthly Score -
Team Score 2195
H Rating 56%
Average turn time 2 hours 52m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 1 (11)
Elimination Streak (Best) 0 (19)
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KillDawg's Achievements

  • Combateer (Play 2000 Public Games)
  • Competent (Win 500 Public Games)
  • Team Specialist (Play 100 Public Team Games)
  • Wingman (Win 100 Public Team Games)
  • Contributor (Post 10 comments on the discussion board)
  • Explorer (Play games on 50 different boards)
  • Elder (Had an account for > 3 years)
  • Friend of the People (Friended by 25 Players)
  • Antagonistic (Enemy of 10 Players)
  • Dominating (Eliminate 15 players in succession)
  • Mega Winstreak (Win 10 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
  • Tournament Knight (Joined Tournament)
  • Tournament Champion (Won Tournament)
  • Tournament Team Champion (Won Team Tournament)
  • Critic (Rate 10 boards)
  • Toe Dipper (Trialled Premium Membership)
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  • ICU (Upload profile picture)
  • Quick Thinker (Played a Realtime game)
  • Fischer Price (Played a Fischer Clock game)
  • In The Points (Scored a Championship Point)

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KillDawg's Trophy Cabinet


Started off extremely aggressive, but it didn't take long for me to adopt a higher level of play after observing the plethora of great players on this site! It's still in my nature to smash face the one that strikes me first.

"The last thing I remember I was going somewhere, and then the stop sign got in the way!"

KillDawg's Wall

Pages:   12   (2 in total)
29th Oct 2016 17:19
Message from The Cooler
I would like to personally invite you to a game I am hosting using "The Winds of Winter" scenario for "Risk of Thrones". I hope you will choose to join us... http://www.wargear.net/games/join/537680
#35 of 35
30th Jan 2015 17:16
Message from Twisted
Haha! Nofx. Classic! Gotto love em!
#34 of 35
18th Apr 2014 00:46
Message from WarGirl
How ya been?
#33 of 35
4th Jan 2014 11:58
Message from Jigler
yeah I'll do that :) do i have to retire the board in order to change that?
#32 of 35
2nd Dec 2013 12:18
Message from timmy888
A pleasure my friend. As always.
#31 of 35
31st Jul 2013 17:40
Message from KINSKI
I owe you bigtime.
#30 of 35
16th Jul 2013 23:58
Message from Jigler
nah that's a mistake :) thanks
#29 of 35
15th Jul 2013 17:18
Message from Teamster
KD, I see that you're really good at the Mario games. Wanna team up in the 'Jump 4 Joy' tournament?
#28 of 35
28th Apr 2013 10:53
Message from Cona Chris
Congratulations on your first tournament trophy! That was a nifty move you did in our game for the quick win!
#27 of 35
27th Apr 2013 16:58
Message from gravyten577
Sorry about the triple post damn. Thanks for all the help you have been giving
#26 of 35
27th Apr 2013 16:40
Message from Korrun
"Never complain in a forum to blow of steam. Never comment on my postings." Just couldn't resist commenting. :) Yes I knew you were just messing around, as was I. No offense taken and probably none ever will. Sometimes I forget to increase my sarcasm level up to where it is obvious. I was thinking about reporting your post to tom for "giving unsolicited advice" but wasn't sure if he would get the joke or just think I'm an idiot... :)
#25 of 35
24th Apr 2013 22:46
Message from Isfelt
would you mind joining the Tournament "The Hunger Games"? I could use a partner
#24 of 35
19th Apr 2013 10:14
Message from Cona Chris
To respond to your post on my wall, yes I have never played a public team game. I have played them in DEV and a handful of tournaments, and some as private games with my peeps. Since I never have played one, I guess it's 0... not sure why it's not 1000. I'm just not a big fan of team games - got burned on ToS too many times with people just doing whatever and not trying to work as a team - it was quite frustrating!
#23 of 35
4th Mar 2013 21:58
Message from Mad Bomber
Cerberus is quite the player
#22 of 35
23rd Feb 2013 17:19
Message from Aiken Drumn
Oy! update your roll to dodge!
#21 of 35
1st Jan 2013 17:39
Message from Mad Bomber
Positive Vibe from this player
#20 of 35
3rd Nov 2012 09:33
Message from itsnotatumor
Ditto to Wargirl, hope you're gone because things are awesome and not sucky.
#19 of 35
2nd Nov 2012 21:24
Message from Slander
Now who's on vacation this time?? :)
#18 of 35
1st Nov 2012 19:52
Message from WarGirl
Hope you are having a nice vacation (and not at the Jersey Shore).
#17 of 35
1st Nov 2012 13:25
Message from Mad Max
Hope your vacation takes you somewhere warm and enjoyable and far from an internet connection!! Enjoy!!
#16 of 35
Pages:   12   (2 in total)