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ActionRaccoon ActionRaccoon is offline now
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Player #27504
Joined WarGear 14th Sep 2013
Last Visit 17th Sep 2019 19:43
Country Canada
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Global Ranking Score 782 (#3803)
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Pages:   1   (1 in total)
30th Jun 2018 00:27
Message from robert the great
join me in my bew tournoument if u wish partner
#12 of 12
16th Jun 2018 23:57
Message from robert the great
join me in the tournoument ive created, loce for australia
#11 of 12
28th Oct 2013 15:55
Message from Kancercakes
Attacked it but didn't role well enough to do anything. If you would just use your Forest Troops to attack Black in Earth that would be fine.
#10 of 12
18th Oct 2013 23:06
Message from Tyrakus
I keep trying, but blue keeps pushing through me and then I cannot produce many units, I'm kinda stuck at the current moment
#9 of 12
16th Oct 2013 22:39
Message from Tyrakus
Sorry I couldn't help this time, blue went through me pretty bad and had to rebuild
#8 of 12
15th Oct 2013 22:10
Message from Tyrakus
I dunno, he may be swayed to blue's side if we allow him to live...too risky if you ask me.
#7 of 12
14th Oct 2013 11:43
Message from Kancercakes
Good Luck to you too! I can see what I can do to help in Earth Realm against Black, but not currently touching him. Took him out above in Forest, so hopefully he won't pick that area to attack.
#6 of 12
11th Oct 2013 19:26
Message from Tyrakus
Yeah, I had a semi-large force in that area that I pulled out so he could expand in hopes he could be of assistance.
#5 of 12
9th Oct 2013 21:49
Message from Tyrakus
Yes sir, I think it needs being done
#4 of 12
2nd Oct 2013 04:51
Message from Luieuil
Good luck to you too!
#3 of 12
22nd Sep 2013 20:44
Message from Mad Bomber
Hello bud....good luck to u as well
#2 of 12
19th Sep 2013 22:56
Message from Dud
Thanks for the offer in Yankee. But, no, no worries...I'll be fine. Teaming up always ends bad. GL
#1 of 12
Pages:   1   (1 in total)