202 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game
  • Join Type: Public
  • Teamplay: Enabled
  • Team Selection: Players pick
  • Boot Type: AutoSkip
  • Turn Speed: 3 day turn limit
  • Fog Setting: None
  • Number of Players: 48
  • Players per Game: 6
  • Number of Rounds: 4
  • Number of Teams: 16
  • Players per Team: 3
  • Teams per Game: 2



Rank Team Played Won Lost Win% SOSSOSOS Games Status
1 Potatoes 4 4 0 100.0% 8 38 View Winner
2= Gondolin's Revenge 4 3 1 75.0% 10 36 View Loser
2= In the Darkness 4 3 1 75.0% 10 33 View Loser
2= I Would Walk 500 Miles... 4 3 1 75.0% 9 30 View Loser
2= Snake Eyes 4 3 1 75.0% 9 33 View Loser
3= Alpha 4 2 2 50.0% 7 35 View Loser
3= Servants of Eru 4 2 2 50.0% 10 30 View Loser
3= Nazgul 4 2 2 50.0% 6 34 View Loser
3= Legolam and Gimlet 4 2 2 50.0% 7 31 View Loser
3= Planeswalkers 4 2 2 50.0% 9 34 View Loser
3= DaSpam 4 2 2 50.0% 8 31 View Loser
4= Killjoys 4 1 3 25.0% 8 28 View Loser
4= Ustacood 4 1 3 25.0% 6 29 View Loser
4= OnePiece 4 1 3 25.0% 6 31 View Loser
4= death to all 4 1 3 25.0% 6 32 View Loser
5 Culverland 4 0 4 0.0% 9 27 View Loser
All Rounds | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4
#RoundCreatedBoard ThumbnailGame NameBoard NameOptionsPlayersTurn TimerTime RemainingCurrent TurnStatus
1Round 12011-10-26 10:16To Rule them All [R1G1] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None ScipioSickboyScottish LegendQuazimotofalker1976Finished
2Round 12011-10-26 10:16To Rule them All [R1G2] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None bobthegreat24ThingolSladeOatwormriverSakoFinished
3Round 12011-10-26 10:16To Rule them All [R1G3] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None zdisabled_bd0bea75Ronin-samaNerosmbrennanBlackDogfrankthetankFinished
4Round 12011-10-26 10:16To Rule them All [R1G4] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None rappy100CK66scd203MongoScottGomezCona ChrisFinished
5Round 12011-10-26 10:16To Rule them All [R1G5] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None Grey GhostcivilmurphGimliFriendlyH0bb3szdisabled_558c3c0bFinished
6Round 12011-10-26 10:16To Rule them All [R1G6] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None AvondarklordVataronullsignalJiglerzdisabled_009233ecFinished
7Round 12011-10-26 10:16To Rule them All [R1G7] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None RendenceanonymoustravisKjeldMineHurricaneGenghis JhonFinished
8Round 12011-10-26 10:16To Rule them All [R1G8] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None Scarecrowcorvo013SkyeSoapRazingAcesMonkeymanFinished
9Round 22011-11-21 05:23To Rule them All [R2G1] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None RendenceThingolHurricaneOatwormKjeldSakoFinished
10Round 22011-11-21 05:23To Rule them All [R2G2] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None ScarecrowBlackDogSkyezdisabled_bd0bea75RazingAcesNerosFinished
11Round 22011-11-21 05:23To Rule them All [R2G3] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None AvonMongoVataroCK66JiglerCona ChrisFinished
12Round 22011-11-21 05:23To Rule them All [R2G4] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None civilmurphScipiozdisabled_558c3c0bSickboyFriendlyQuazimotoFinished
13Round 22011-11-21 05:23To Rule them All [R2G5] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None Ronin-samadarklordmbrennannullsignalfrankthetankzdisabled_009233ecFinished
14Round 22011-11-21 05:23To Rule them All [R2G6] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None Gimliscd203Grey GhostScottGomezH0bb3srappy100Finished
15Round 22011-11-21 05:23To Rule them All [R2G7] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None bobthegreat24Genghis JhonriverMineSladeanonymoustravisFinished
16Round 22011-11-21 05:23To Rule them All [R2G8] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None Monkeymanfalker1976corvo013Scottish LegendFinished
17Round 32011-12-25 23:57To Rule them All [R3G1] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None MongocivilmurphCK66FriendlyCona Chriszdisabled_558c3c0bFinished
18Round 32011-12-25 23:57To Rule them All [R3G2] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None zdisabled_bd0bea75KjeldNerosRendenceBlackDogHurricaneFinished
19Round 32011-12-25 23:57To Rule them All [R3G3] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None MineScarecrowGenghis JhonRazingAcesanonymoustravisSkyeFinished
20Round 32011-12-25 23:57To Rule them All [R3G4] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None QuazimotoH0bb3sSickboyGimliScipioGrey GhostFinished
21Round 32011-12-25 23:57To Rule them All [R3G5] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None Scottish LegendVatarofalker1976AvonJiglerFinished
22Round 32011-12-25 23:57To Rule them All [R3G6] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None nullsignalSakodarklordOatwormzdisabled_009233ecThingolFinished
23Round 32011-12-25 23:57To Rule them All [R3G7] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None riverScottGomezbobthegreat24Sladerappy100Finished
24Round 32011-12-25 23:57To Rule them All [R3G8] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None corvo013mbrennanMonkeymanfrankthetankFinished
25Round 42012-01-31 20:56To Rule them All [R4G1] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None CK66BlackDogMongozdisabled_bd0bea75Cona ChrisNerosFinished
26Round 42012-01-31 20:56To Rule them All [R4G2] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None SakoH0bb3sThingolGimliOatwormGrey GhostFinished
27Round 42012-01-31 20:56To Rule them All [R4G3] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None RazingAcesKjeldSkyeScarecrowRendenceFinished
28Round 42012-01-31 20:56To Rule them All [R4G4] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None civilmurphAvonzdisabled_558c3c0bFriendlyJiglerFinished
29Round 42012-01-31 20:56To Rule them All [R4G5] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None SladeQuazimotobobthegreat24SickboyriverFinished
30Round 42012-01-31 20:56To Rule them All [R4G6] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None anonymoustravisMonkeymanGenghis JhonMinecorvo013Finished
31Round 42012-01-31 20:56To Rule them All [R4G7] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None nullsignaldarklordzdisabled_009233ecFengisScottish LegendFinished
32Round 42012-01-31 20:56To Rule them All [R4G8] War of the Ring
(War of the Ring Tourney - 3v3)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None ScottGomezmbrennanrappy100frankthetankFinished