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KrocK KrocK is offline now
Rank Brigadier General Brigadier General
Membership Type Premium
Player #200
Joined WarGear 7th Nov 2009
Last Visit 5th Feb 2024 14:08
Country Canada
Championship Points 84 (#41)
Global Ranking Score 1238 (#1121)
Monthly Score -
Team Score 1357
H Rating 64%
Average turn time 4 hours 58m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 1 (7)
Elimination Streak (Best) 1 (7)
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KrocK's Achievements

  • Ranger (Play 500 Public Games)
  • Above Average (Win 100 Public Games)
  • Team Expert (Play 10 Public Team Games)
  • Got Your Back (Win 10 Public Team Games)
  • Builder (Release 10 boards)
  • Socialite (Post 100 comments on the discussion board)
  • Explorer (Play games on 50 different boards)
  • Founder (First 1000 player numbers)
  • Friend of the People (Friended by 25 Players)
  • Not Feeling the Love (Enemy of a Player)
  • Killing Spree (Eliminate 5 players in succession)
  • Multi Winstreak (Win 5 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
  • Tournament Knight (Joined Tournament)
  • Tournament Champion (Won Tournament)
  • Tournament Team Champion (Won Team Tournament)
  • Critic (Rate 10 boards)
  • ICU (Upload profile picture)
  • Quick Thinker (Played a Realtime game)
  • In The Points (Scored a Championship Point)

KrocK is Top Ranked on these boards

KrocK's Trophy Cabinet


KrocK's Wall

Pages:   123   (3 in total)
27th Feb 2014 23:45
Message from Frog
http://www.wargear.net/games/player/338913 for this
#49 of 49
27th Feb 2014 23:45
Message from Frog
Maybe we should strategize a bit. Send me a private message if you'd like. We still have a chance but it's close.
#48 of 49
13th Nov 2013 12:45
Message from Kancercakes
I would like to formally request the 8th ranked player on the board to a champions match. http://www.wargear.net/games/join/317008
#47 of 49
8th Mar 2013 21:05
Message from Mad Bomber
Really glad this guy is on the site........darn strong
#46 of 49
4th Sep 2012 22:21
Message from Archonon
Still not ready for a truce, eh?
#45 of 49
11th Aug 2012 17:28
Message from Archonon
I'll take that as a no.
#44 of 49
9th Aug 2012 18:13
Message from Archonon
Game Spanit: Look, we're not going to get anywhere destroying each other in Europe while white and turquoise grow supremely powerful. What do you say to a treaty on our current borders in Western Europe? I think it would benefit both of us...
#43 of 49
4th Apr 2012 13:18
Message from RUTHLEZZG
Obviously Pink is ready to die also but Bang Bang has done the Karate Kid move in Spain to keep her alive
#42 of 49
1st Apr 2012 02:41
Message from RUTHLEZZG
Napoleons Back!....Green is looking venerable to being vanquished - but beware he has 1 territory left down in Africa. I am gearing up to kill him (or u could) if he loses the Africa territory....
#41 of 49
7th Dec 2011 18:32
Message from Wonder Woman
KrocK: Any chance of designing your Oceans series here on Wargear from Warfish??? (Southern, Atlantic, Artic Oceans)
#40 of 49
26th Aug 2011 04:22
Message from CiscoKid
Can you recreate "Europe 980 *Capitals*"
#39 of 49
11th Jun 2011 11:13
Message from Grey Ghost
Hello Krock. Is this a fluke in the game? I thought there was a limit of 25 on non special spaces. http://www.wargear.net/games/view/38937
#38 of 49
1st Jun 2011 11:37
Message from CiscoKid
Happy Birthday partner!
#37 of 49
29th Apr 2011 11:47
Message from RiskyBack
Dnlari is not my favorite map but I want to tell you that pulling off the color change as well as you did with the circles is utter genius. I am impressed and pissed that I didn't do it first! Awesome job!!
#36 of 49
12th Apr 2011 12:03
Message from Yertle
Heya KrocK, you see this board design competition, http://www.wargear.net/forum/showthread/1502p1/First_Vote_for_Map_Making_CollectiveCompetition ? Competition is 2 months to have a Pangea themed board through Dev and ready to be voted on and put together in a collection. tom's thrown in a $100 prize as well. Hope all is well and hope you can perhaps make the competition! =Yertle
#35 of 49
8th Mar 2011 13:12
Message from BlackDog
Hey, I just wanted to let you know how much fun I have been having on Lords of Destruction, I just had a turn where I eliminated 5 players across the entire board. Two of the players I thought I had totally mapped and both turned out to have a single hidden territory, on BOTH occasions I only succeeded because I won a 2v2 attack roll... afterwards I was literally shaking from adrenaline. The high player quantity / card values, unique vision system, and unit limitations make this a truly crazy board. Perception tactics on this board are so incredible.. my newest discovery is finding a player who owns a lot of space but is spread thin inside, and I carve the middle out of their territory while leaving their borders to give the impression that they still own that space while I get the bonuses.
#34 of 49
23rd Feb 2011 14:54
Message from Yertle
Heya KrocK, Just a heads up I had to upload the Fog image from version 1.0 of Lords of Destruction (board id 879) to version 2.0 (board id 1895) as it seems it was deleted or not transferred over for some reason. No other changes were made, but let me know if something different is needed, or creating a new version should work without a problem. Thanks! =Yertle
#33 of 49
13th Jan 2011 22:30
Message from Gimli
Hey Buddy! You gotta rock the championship points! I'm 3rd in Global and Tourney score, so if you get up there, Canadians can "own the podium". well, except for the rest. But whatever! Represent! lol
#32 of 49
15th Dec 2010 12:43
Message from AttilaTheHun
sounds great, let me know when it's ready for testing.
#31 of 49
6th Dec 2010 10:13
Message from AttilaTheHun
no problem - I think there is a balance issue with the Allies...playing as US was a cakewalk for the most part. Being able to utilize team xfers would just make it even more of an easy time for the Allies. Let me know when you have a Team-enabled version to test! The graphics look good and I really like the special units you can "unlock." Have you thought about making the planes more offensive? Right now (at least for US) they are pretty defensive in their abilities.
#30 of 49
Pages:   123   (3 in total)