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Wallace Wishmaster Wallace Wishmaster is offline now
Rank Colonel Colonel
Membership Type Premium
Player #276
Joined WarGear 9th Nov 2009
Last Visit 22nd Dec 2018 13:29
Country United States
Championship Points 36 (#107)
Global Ranking Score 2443 (#31)
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Team Score 1072
H Rating 71%
Average turn time 5 hours 36m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
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  • Fighter (Play 100 Public Games)
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Pages:   12   (2 in total)
5th Jan 2019 13:58
Message from Thingol
Womdering if you could creat a scenario for Koprulu where the starting crystal acts as capital. It would add a strategic layer to gameplay, methinks.
#30 of 30
20th Dec 2018 23:48
Message from Thingol
WW, the tourney has started.
#29 of 30
4th Sep 2012 18:45
Message from Thingol
Wallace, I notice that CTF is here on WG now, but with the author as Thing. Is my memory bad? I thought you were the author on WF...?
#28 of 30
9th Aug 2012 12:01
Message from El Jefe
Thanks for the heads up. I did not notice
#27 of 30
24th Jun 2012 17:21
Message from Thingol
Wallace, any thoughts on the recently played A&A bombers map?
#26 of 30
20th Apr 2012 08:52
Message from Aloner
You've got a chance to turn him down :)
#25 of 30
2nd Mar 2012 13:38
Message from Thing
Hey I tried to chat with you, no response. I saw a large request for CTF, Please get in touch with me please.
#24 of 30
16th Nov 2011 03:41
Message from CiscoKid
32 are you? Happy Birthday !
#23 of 30
30th Jun 2011 10:02
Message from Maine 20th
Hi. I am a crossover from Warfish and a new board designer. Was wondering if you wouldn't mind trying out a board of mine in the Dev stage. The game is called BoNJ. No worries if you don't want to though.
#22 of 30
10th Jun 2011 10:42
Message from Cyan-ide
Any word on having a capture the flag on WarGear? Truth be known, I'm actually just here to mention that I finally managed to thwart you out of first place in the board rankings on the other site, although it will probably be short lived!
#21 of 30
13th May 2011 12:07
Message from Mad Bomber
u will win your next tournament....u will
#20 of 30
12th Apr 2011 12:07
Message from Yertle
Heya WW, I thought you may be interested in this board design competition, http://www.wargear.net/forum/showthread/1502p1/First_Vote_for_Map_Making_CollectiveCompetition ? Competition is 2 months to have a Pangea themed board through Dev and ready to be voted on and put together in a collection. tom's thrown in a $100 prize as well. Hope all is well and hope you can perhaps make the competition! =Yertle
#19 of 30
11th Apr 2011 00:14
Message from hunthart09
are you going to go on Good Times, or This Means War ???
#18 of 30
8th Feb 2011 17:03
Message from Gimli
Thanks dude! I did join, hope we have get some games in together!
#17 of 30
28th Jan 2011 12:01
Message from Cyan-ide
Some interesting ideas you mentioned about CTF II board changes, and I fully trust your judgement; however, I'd argue that if it's not broken, don't fix it, and why mess with perfection? I really like the way it's setup now. I like the idea of having different versions too, in which case I'd vote that the classical version be implemented first and different 'flavors' be implemented subsequently. But don't listen to me, do what you feel is best, I'm confident it'll be awesome... I'll be drooling in anticipation in the meantime.
#16 of 30
27th Jan 2011 09:53
Message from Cyan-ide
Mr. Wishmaster: Coming from warfish.net, I find myself almost naked because there is no Capture The Flag II over here. What an awesome board. I know you don't know me and could probably care less what I think, but I just wanted to put in my vote encouraging you to create a Wargear version of this amazing board. Probably the best board I've ever played. Kudos to you on that one. In the meantime, I'll be struggling with downtime and glitches on the other site while I try to beat your seemingly unbeatable ranking on that board. Thanks for listening.
#15 of 30
20th Oct 2010 11:26
Message from RiskyBack
Your comment in the Castles game about benji was AWESOME! I wanted to say something but couldn't think of the right thing to say but you summed it all up perfectly. Brilliant!!!
#14 of 30
19th Aug 2010 16:53
Message from Gimli
Whoa! People were against the 666 territory? Maybe rename it? But that was a super Easter Egg like feature that hasn't really be done in other boards. You gotta have it!
#13 of 30
18th Aug 2010 20:43
Message from Paquito
Heh, that was a really long wall post. If there's a forum thread somewhere debating these quirks, lemme know, I'd be happy to chime in there :)
#12 of 30
18th Aug 2010 20:43
Message from Paquito
Nice! I do like how you lowered the buffers between bases from 9 to 7. 9 completely eliminated the ability to rush, which was an important strat, IMO. I especially liked rushes because, if the tower was properly defended, odds were the attack was going to fail, and the attacker would be left very vulnerable to a counter attack. (I was usually the counter-attacker!) Honestly, I preferred no buffer. Yes, it occasionally allowed an early round player to capture an adjacent base on his second round, which is an imbalance if you're only considering a single match. But if you take a broader perspective, it really didn't effect rankings over many games. Every regular Koprulu player is just as likely to enjoy that situation, eventually. Skilled players took advantage of it when it happened, and understood there was nothing they could do when it happened to them. (It's kinda landing a straight on the flop in Texas Hold 'Em! ) I'm currently playing my first Koprulu match on Wargear, so I haven't decided how I like the 7 buffer yet, other than it's definitely an improvement over the 9. Anyhow, glad to see this map on this site. Obviously, I'm a huge fan, thanks for taking the time to make it!
#11 of 30
Pages:   12   (2 in total)