196 Open Daily games
4 Open Realtime games
  • Rating:
  • Rating Score: 8.32 out of 10 [31 ratings]
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Created Date: 23rd Oct 2010
  • Release Date: 31st May 2010
  • Games Played: 602

Design Information
Territories 252
Continents 48
Advanced Features One-way Borders
Border Modifiers
Board Settings
Gameplay Turn Based
Available Players
2 3 4 5
Card Sets Worth 4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Territory Selection Automatic
Unit Placement Automatic
Starting Setup Scenario based
Capital Cities Off
Teamplay Enabled
Fog Setting Medium
Fog Override Disabled
Open Games 0
Seat Color Team Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
1 Tiamat Brood Default
2 Garm Brood Default
3 Fenris Brood Default
4 Alpha Squadron Default
5 Dark Templar Default
6 Umojan Protectorate Default
7 Velari Tribe Default
8 Furinax Tribe Default

Board Description

Koprulu Sector is a non-standard board that seeks to reproduce some of the aspects of Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games (Starcraft, Command & Conquer, etc.).


Each player starts in a single Crystal on their own Base Mesa along the edge of the board. The goal is to expand, capturing and defending additional Crystals and Mesas before other players do. Mesa ramps ARE NOT Required to get the bonus for a Mesa.


Fog is used to simulate the "fog-of-war" that is a common feature of RTS gameplay. At first the fog will appear excessive, but as soon as the central towers are in play the board will "lighten up" a bit.


Towers have three benefits. They...

  • Can attack two countries beyond the Plains (non-Mesa) countries bordering them. This makes them useful for visibility and attacks.
  • Defend 5v7 when attacked from the Plains bordering them. Towers defend with normal dice when attacked from the Mesa.
  • Deliver a bonus of one army.
  • Crystals:

    Crystals defend with a 4-sided dice, making them difficult to defend without also holding the surrounding territories.

    Warp Crystals:

    Warp Crystals allow a player to move from one side of the board to the other quickly. However, doing so incurs a minor dice penaly (6v7)

    Neutral Counts:

  • Each player's Base Mesa is protected by large neutral counts on the ramps. This is to protect players who go late in the order from being rushed too early.
  • The ramps for the Central Mesas are not heavily guarded, and the Central Mesas themselves are populated with single neutrals.
  • All Plains territories have two neutrals, except the darker terrain between the Base Mesas, which contain 5-7 neutrals.
  • Crystals that surround the Central Mesas have eight neutrals.
  • Gameplay Settings

    Gameplay TypeTurn Based
    Return to unit placement from attackOff
    Return to attack after fortifyOn
    Number of attacks allowedUnlimited
    Number of fortifies allowed3
    Multiple attacksOn
    Allow fortificationBordered
    Allow abandonment of territoriesOff
    Abandoned territories revert to neutralImmediately
    Fog typeMedium
    Allow override of fog settingNo
    Game historyShow

    Team Settings

    Teamplay EnabledYes
    Team VisionOn
    Team Unit PlacementOff
    Team Unit TransferOn
    Team Factory ProductionOff


    Card CaptureOn
    Maximum number of cards allowed5
    Card values4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
    Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
    Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:2

    Bonuses, Limits and Dice

    Grant 0 units per x territories owned3
    Minimum bonus units per turn3
    Elimination bonus0
    Capturing of reserves on eliminationOn
    Maximum reserve unitsUnlimited
    Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
    Auto Assign FactoriesOff
    Number of sides on Attacker's Dice6
    Number of sides on Defender's Dice6

    Initial Setup

    Initial setupSetup based
    Lock seat colorsOff
    Lock seat orderOff
    Lock starting bonus to:Color
    Allow seat selectionNone
    Number of units per Player10
    Decrease unit count per player0
    Initial unit count minimum20
    Territory selectionAutomatic
    Unit placementAutomatic
    Neutral countLow
    Neutral Factories
    Use team names defined in ColorsOff
    Allow players to choose seats / teamsNone

    Design Information
    Territories 251
    Continents 47
    Advanced Features One-way Borders
    Border Modifiers
    Board Settings
    Gameplay Turn Based
    Available Players
    2 3 4 5
    Card Sets Worth 4,5,6,7,8,9,10
    Territory Selection Automatic
    Unit Placement Automatic
    Starting Setup Scenario based
    Capital Cities Off
    Teamplay Enabled
    Fog Setting Medium
    Fog Override Disabled
    Open Games 0
    Seat Color Team Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
    1 Tiamat Brood Default
    2 Garm Brood Default
    3 Fenris Brood Default
    4 Alpha Squadron Default
    5 Dark Templar Default
    6 Umojan Protectorate Default
    7 Velari Tribe Default
    8 Furinax Tribe Default

    Board Description

    Koprulu Sector is a non-standard board that seeks to reproduce some of the aspects of Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games (Starcraft, Command & Conquer, etc.).


    Each player starts in a single Crystal on their own Base Mesa along the edge of the board. The goal is to expand, capturing and defending additional Crystals and Mesas before other players do. Mesa ramps ARE NOT Required to get the bonus for a Mesa.


    Fog is used to simulate the "fog-of-war" that is a common feature of RTS gameplay. At first the fog will appear excessive, but as soon as the central towers are in play the board will "lighten up" a bit.


    Towers have three benefits. They...

  • Can attack two countries beyond the Plains (non-Mesa) countries bordering them. This makes them useful for visibility and attacks.
  • Defend 5v7 when attacked from the Plains bordering them. Towers defend with normal dice when attacked from the Mesa.
  • Deliver a bonus of one army.
  • Crystals:

    Crystals defend with a 4-sided dice, making them difficult to defend without also holding the surrounding territories.

    Warp Crystals:

    Warp Crystals allow a player to move from one side of the board to the other quickly. However, doing so incurs a minor dice penaly (6v7)

    Neutral Counts:

  • Each player's Base Mesa is protected by large neutral counts on the ramps. This is to protect players who go late in the order from being rushed too early.
  • The ramps for the Central Mesas are not heavily guarded, and the Central Mesas themselves are populated with single neutrals.
  • All Plains territories have two neutrals, except the darker terrain between the Base Mesas, which contain 5-7 neutrals.
  • Crystals that surround the Central Mesas have eight neutrals.
  • Gameplay Settings

    Gameplay TypeTurn Based
    Return to unit placement from attackOff
    Return to attack after fortifyOn
    Number of attacks allowedUnlimited
    Number of fortifies allowed3
    Multiple attacksOn
    Allow fortificationBordered
    Allow abandonment of territoriesOff
    Abandoned territories revert to neutralImmediately
    Fog typeMedium
    Allow override of fog settingNo
    Game historyShow

    Team Settings

    Teamplay EnabledYes
    Team VisionOn
    Team Unit PlacementOff
    Team Unit TransferOn
    Team Factory ProductionOff


    Card CaptureOn
    Maximum number of cards allowed5
    Card values4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
    Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
    Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:2

    Bonuses, Limits and Dice

    Grant 0 units per x territories owned3
    Minimum bonus units per turn3
    Elimination bonus0
    Capturing of reserves on eliminationOn
    Maximum reserve unitsUnlimited
    Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
    Auto Assign FactoriesOff
    Number of sides on Attacker's Dice6
    Number of sides on Defender's Dice6

    Initial Setup

    Initial setupSetup based
    Lock seat colorsOff
    Lock seat orderOff
    Lock starting bonus to:Color
    Allow seat selectionNone
    Number of units per Player10
    Decrease unit count per player0
    Initial unit count minimum20
    Territory selectionAutomatic
    Unit placementAutomatic
    Neutral countLow
    Neutral Factories
    Use team names defined in ColorsOff
    Allow players to choose seats / teamsNone