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Amidon37 Amidon37 is offline now
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Player #2254
Joined WarGear 26th Feb 2010
Last Visit 25th Jul 2024 14:11
Country United States
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Pages:   1234   (4 in total)
15th Sep 2010 16:11
Message from bdf101
pssst, with you blocking my way, I don't really have a clear path to africa.
#11 of 71
27th Jul 2010 23:03
Message from Yertle
In Seven Kingdoms the Board Image doesn't really do the best job of describing the Silvan Capitals, the West one allows Fortifies to all the territories while the East one has a +1 Attack Artillery border to all the territories (in Board Description), hence the Fortify/Artillery (East/West) on the Board Image. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks!
#10 of 71
7th Jun 2010 23:49
Message from StepOnMe
So what did you think of the Discus game? I was worried we'd stalemate, but we never did. I found myself still strategizing to the very end.
#9 of 71
26th May 2010 15:10
Message from StepOnMe
Thanks for your thoughts. I'm currently working on adjusting some of the stuff you suggested, but here are my thoughts on them. #1 - Done deal, though I'm still not quite sure how much is too much or too little. So I may just keep adjusting as I go. #2 - I'm going to keep the fog setting as is, but I'll allow it to be changed by whoever creates a game. #3 - I'm not so sure about the unlimited attacks, though. My idea behind having 3 was based on the movie TRON, and I'm worried that if I make it unlimited players could sweep through without giving the other players a chance to play at all. #4 - As for the overlapping bonus structure, I've already created a hordes-style system for the rings, which should have been enabled during your guys' games. I was told putting any more bonuses than I already had was unnecessary and would probably be overwhelming, but I'll keep your idea in mind in case more bonuses are needed. #5 - I'll definitely adjust the artillery attacks. Those are still new to me, so I wasn't quite sure what else I could do with them especially to make them more appealing to use. #6 - Again, same idea behind #3 in that I'm afraid if I make the outter rings weaker by putting fewer starting units in them, a player will be able to plow through another player's rings (especially with unlimited attacks) and eliminate them before he/she has a chance to play. I may play around with this some more and see what works. Thanks again for your suggestions. I'll have these adjustments done later today if you're interested in starting another game.
#8 of 71
22nd May 2010 22:15
Message from StepOnMe
OK. So what's happening in your current game? Are you guys thinking the number of attacks need to go back to 3 or just have fewer starting units?
#7 of 71
21st May 2010 17:46
Message from StepOnMe
Awesome. Thank you. I'll hold off on making any more changes (with the exception of the background image b/c that definitely needs work) until that game finishes or you guys say otherwise. :)
#6 of 71
20th May 2010 17:13
Message from StepOnMe
Hey, I made some modifications to the Disc Wars board since I saw some of the comments in your guys' game. Some of the changes I made are: the history should now be shown, the card scale fluctuates, fewer units & a few smaller bonuses. Let me know if you guys want to restart or anything. Thanks again for helping test it out. I'm almost to the point where I just want to chunk it because I can't get it the way I have it in my head. :/
#5 of 71
2nd May 2010 16:44
Message from Alpha
Catching you in eliminations, I am one below.
#4 of 71
15th Apr 2010 18:40
Message from Full Force Fugee
Just read your post regarding age. I'm 54.75yrs and really enjoy the site!
#3 of 71
15th Apr 2010 00:54
Message from wrench_monkey
wow, yer getting pretty highly ranked. I just popped up above 1000.
#2 of 71
8th Apr 2010 16:08
Message from legonate
dad, i have a .gif photo
#1 of 71
Pages:   1234   (4 in total)