185 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
  • Join Type: Public
  • Teamplay: Disabled
  • Team Selection: n/a
  • Boot Type: AutoSkip
  • Turn Speed: 3 day turn limit
  • Fog Setting: Medium
  • Number of Players: 64
  • Players per Game: 8
  • Number of Rounds: 2
  • Number of Teams: n/a
  • Players per Team: n/a
  • Teams per Game: n/a
Rank Player Played Won Lost Win% SOSSOSOS Games Status
1 PresidentSkroob 2 2 0 100.0% 8 88 View Winner
2= Millertime 2 1 1 50.0% 8 76 View Loser
2= IvanTheTerrible 2 1 1 50.0% 9 80 View Loser
2= Lord Of Cups 2 1 1 50.0% 2 51 View Loser
2= yup 2 1 1 50.0% 8 76 View Loser
2= The Dude 2 1 1 50.0% 2 54 View Loser
2= ratsy 2 1 1 50.0% 9 80 View Loser
2= Quazimoto 2 1 1 50.0% 1 43 View Loser
2= Lazarus 2 1 1 50.0% 2 54 View Loser
2= JimmyTheBear 2 1 1 50.0% 1 48 View Loser
2= jncasey 2 1 1 50.0% 8 76 View Loser
2= KillDawg 2 1 1 50.0% 10 84 View Loser
2= Kjeld 2 1 1 50.0% 2 52 View Loser
2= Discordian 2 1 1 50.0% 2 54 View Loser
2= ukrainski 2 1 1 50.0% 10 84 View Loser
3= theokoyl 2 0 2 0.0% 2 35 View Surrendered
3= rawdog 2 0 2 0.0% 4 48 View Loser
3= limburg 2 0 2 0.0% 2 42 View Loser
3= Lyndzilla 2 0 2 0.0% 4 50 View Loser
3= Growlithe 2 0 2 0.0% 2 39 View Loser
3= Kancercakes 2 0 2 0.0% 3 44 View Loser
3= NoahTheArk 2 0 2 0.0% 2 35 View Loser
3= Avon 2 0 2 0.0% 4 47 View Loser
3= darklord 2 0 2 0.0% 2 39 View Loser
3= Leetz 2 0 2 0.0% 3 46 View Loser
3= Twisted 2 0 2 0.0% 2 42 View Loser
3= Big Skin 2 0 2 0.0% 3 46 View Loser
3= UrbanMyer 2 0 2 0.0% 4 50 View Loser
3= Kerrigan 2 0 2 0.0% 2 40 View Loser
3= TheStargazer 2 0 2 0.0% 2 35 View Loser
3= RRFL3453 2 0 2 0.0% 4 50 View Loser
3= Michio Hirai 2 0 2 0.0% 4 48 View Loser
3= Chinnie 2 0 2 0.0% 3 44 View Loser
3= rawr 2 0 2 0.0% 3 46 View Loser
3= TheTick 2 0 2 0.0% 4 50 View Loser
3= jrosenberg520 2 0 2 0.0% 2 40 View Loser
3= Warf 2 0 2 0.0% 2 39 View Loser
3= itsnotatumor 2 0 2 0.0% 3 44 View Loser
3= thefreeman 2 0 2 0.0% 4 50 View Loser
3= willije3 2 0 2 0.0% 4 50 View Loser
3= General Antares 2 0 2 0.0% 4 50 View Loser
3= Leroy Jenkins 2 0 2 0.0% 3 44 View Loser
3= Gooseflesh 2 0 2 0.0% 2 42 View Loser
3= big chubs 2 0 2 0.0% 4 50 View Loser
3= orango 2 0 2 0.0% 4 47 View Loser
3= sportlust 2 0 2 0.0% 4 48 View Loser
3= abesilver 2 0 2 0.0% 3 44 View Loser
3= missyamy 2 0 2 0.0% 2 35 View Loser
3= BishopDaPhatty 2 0 2 0.0% 2 40 View Loser
3= ERK 2 0 2 0.0% 2 42 View Loser
3= montyghan 2 0 2 0.0% 4 50 View Loser
3= Gill 2 0 2 0.0% 3 46 View Loser
3= Stalinski 2 0 2 0.0% 2 40 View Loser
3= kall 2 0 2 0.0% 2 35 View Loser
3= lukelong 2 0 2 0.0% 4 43 View Loser
3= Sinbad 2 0 2 0.0% 3 43 View Loser
3= CISworsky 2 0 2 0.0% 2 42 View Loser
3= Le doktah 2 0 2 0.0% 3 46 View Loser
3= civilmurph 2 0 2 0.0% 2 35 View Loser
3= Lantern 2 0 2 0.0% 2 42 View Loser
3= Scarecrow 2 0 2 0.0% 2 39 View Loser
3= DoG 2 0 2 0.0% 3 46 View Loser
3= Kagutsuchi 2 0 2 0.0% 4 48 View Loser
3= SillyBastard 2 0 2 0.0% 2 40 View Loser
All Rounds | Round 1 | Round 2
#RoundCreatedBoard ThumbnailGame NameBoard NameOptionsPlayersTurn TimerTime RemainingCurrent TurnStatus
1Round 12014-06-23 07:29A Song of Ice and Fire [R1G1] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog ScarecrowmissyamydarklordtheokoylkalljncaseyERKNoahTheArkFinished
2Round 12014-06-23 07:29A Song of Ice and Fire [R1G2] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog KerriganGrowlitheWarfGoosefleshLanternSillyBastardyupBishopDaPhattyFinished
3Round 12014-06-23 07:29A Song of Ice and Fire [R1G3] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog UrbanMyerthefreemanKagutsuchiDiscordianLyndzillaukrainskibig chubsThe DudeFinished
4Round 12014-06-23 07:29A Song of Ice and Fire [R1G4] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog CISworskyStalinskiTheStargazerMillertimelimburgcivilmurphjrosenberg520TwistedFinished
5Round 12014-06-23 07:29A Song of Ice and Fire [R1G5] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog sportlustLazarusrawdoglukelongKillDawgTheTickKjeldGeneral AntaresFinished
6Round 12014-06-23 07:29A Song of Ice and Fire [R1G6] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog itsnotatumorLeetzQuazimotoIvanTheTerribleSinbadLeroy JenkinsChinnieBig SkinFinished
7Round 12014-06-23 07:29A Song of Ice and Fire [R1G7] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog willije3montyghanMichio HiraiorangoAvonLord Of CupsPresidentSkroobFinished
8Round 12014-06-23 07:29A Song of Ice and Fire [R1G8] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog Le doktahKancercakesrawrDoGratsyJimmyTheBearGillabesilverFinished
9Round 22014-07-28 17:52A Song of Ice and Fire [R2G1] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog KillDawgjncaseyratsyMillertimeukrainskiyupPresidentSkroobIvanTheTerribleFinished
10Round 22014-07-28 17:52A Song of Ice and Fire [R2G2] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog itsnotatumorsportlustKjeldKancercakesStalinskiKagutsuchiSillyBastardFinished
11Round 22014-07-28 17:52A Song of Ice and Fire [R2G3] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog DiscordianGeneral AntaresLanternGoosefleshGillmontyghanLe doktahFinished
12Round 22014-07-28 17:52A Song of Ice and Fire [R2G4] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog darklordWarfGrowlitheSinbadorangoAvonLord Of CupsScarecrowFinished
13Round 22014-07-28 17:52A Song of Ice and Fire [R2G5] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog TwistedCISworskywillije3TheTickLeetzThe DudeBig SkinFinished
14Round 22014-07-28 17:52A Song of Ice and Fire [R2G6] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog KerriganabesilverBishopDaPhattyJimmyTheBearChinnieMichio HirairawdogLeroy JenkinsFinished
15Round 22014-07-28 17:52A Song of Ice and Fire [R2G7] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog theokoylQuazimotolukelongcivilmurphkallmissyamyNoahTheArkTheStargazerFinished
16Round 22014-07-28 17:52A Song of Ice and Fire [R2G8] Risk of Thrones
(Home is Where the House is)
Tournament game 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog rawrERKLazaruslimburgDoGUrbanMyerthefreemanFinished