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Leetz Leetz is offline now
Rank Colonel Colonel
Membership Type Standard
Player #8509
Joined WarGear 27th Feb 2011
Last Visit 23rd Jun 2017 04:19
Country Canada
Championship Points 40 (#95)
Global Ranking Score 1902 (#143)
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H Rating 67%
Average turn time 9 hours 38m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 0 (13)
Elimination Streak (Best) 0 (14)
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21st Jul 2017 15:41
Message from jclasen
Come on man. You're holding up our game
#10 of 10
6th Mar 2017 13:46
Message from Kjeld
I looked into the Place of Power bonuses on Arena, at least for the Barbarians scenario. Everything appears to be in place as it should be -- +2 in hand plus an additional +2 collector's bonus for each pair. Are you still noticing this problem? And is it on all the scenarios, or just some of them?
#9 of 10
7th Feb 2017 16:19
Message from Abishai
Evidence to my previous post below. Not playing out to the end of the game or surrendering is very low thing to stoop to. It makes for 6 long days of trying to reap my rewards. http://www.wargear.net/games/view/437864 http://www.wargear.net/games/view/427762 http://www.wargear.net/games/view/547349
#8 of 10
7th Feb 2017 16:11
Message from Abishai
My experience with this guy is that he stops taking his turn whenever he starts to lose a game. Sour grapes.
#7 of 10
25th Feb 2015 15:07
Message from itsnotatumor
Sure. Have you played that map much? Open a team and let me know.
#6 of 10
4th Sep 2011 12:59
Message from Gimli
howz the wargearing coming along?
#5 of 10
14th Jul 2011 00:55
Message from renjason
You're looking pretty good in africa http://www.wargear.net/games/player/67197 But red,yellow,maroon look like they are going to take over as a team. My team is in Europe (and the top edge of africa) I told them not to invade you because we should probably work out some kind of truse. What do you think?
#4 of 10
28th Jun 2011 02:18
Message from F10
Yellow is going to win. You cant see but he has a 80 army below me
#3 of 10
5th May 2011 17:21
Message from calebandrew42
Hey, there. I have precisely zero interest in attacking you in the Infection game, and I think it's in both our interests to avoid fighting for a couple turns. Yeah, you could attack me and gain some territory, but Red will probably win regardless. Temporary cease fire?
#2 of 10
28th Feb 2011 01:24
Message from Gimli
Many people's knees have started to mysteriously knock together! And it's not cuz they are cold! welcome aboard! just ask if u have any questions, there are also many helpful forums
#1 of 10
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