Hey SB - just saw your post on my board about Finite State Machine. It's definitely a different style board and slow moving, but I think I found your game and looks like you won it. Any further questions? Feel free to PM me or post in the forums.
In Be Aware- Ant board. I think we need to focus a bit on Lui. He is building a lot of troops and can do some major damage. How about 2 rounds of only attacking Lui, then we can go back to a free for all.
In the game "September" I thought maybe you'd go up and take Montana? Now you've turned back. So now I'm just confused where you're planning on going and if you just want to be a neighbour, or an enemy?
purpule, you should concentrate all sout-america troops in Chile, and try to break orenge's bonus in okeania. Blue will not attack you. Me and green have truce, and we must cooperate if we want to survive. Orange and Red have big bonus, we must break them... blue attacks black, green attacks white... but orange and red will win this if we dont stop them. i'm giving all my troops to blue for that couse.
Nice job kicking my butt in Appamatox. You cost me my 1st place on the board and you walked all over me from the beginning. Good playing and hope to play a rematch later.