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bmasera bmasera is offline now
Rank Private Private
Membership Type Standard
Player #15431
Joined WarGear 31st Mar 2012
Last Visit 5th Oct 2017 13:29
Country Kenya
Championship Points -
Global Ranking Score 2480 (#28)
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H Rating 71%
Average turn time 4 hours 4m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 1 (54)
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Pages:   1   (1 in total)
7th Nov 2018 10:21
Message from kofi annon
Hey man, join the clover conspiracy tournament. Get that Canadian friend of yours to join your team. Kofi
#18 of 18
5th Dec 2013 15:19
Message from ZeeZee
ref the 4 player invention game- Blue has been attacking me in asia from the start- his tactic is to eliminate me and even red warned me that he was about to attack me from india and he did. attacking you in aus may have been rash but it was only me attacking blues presence in the area as i knew he would have a go at me from there(he has). i attacked you as i cant see map and knew from constantly defending(i emphasise defending) that either you or red would be strong and a large red african army is now evident. my point is that i have been non-influential from the current board state only tryed to survive.
#17 of 18
24th May 2013 16:55
Message from RUTHLEZZG
Hail to the new Ant King!!
#16 of 18
14th May 2013 18:20
Message from Americanese
Thanks for the invite.
#15 of 18
14th May 2013 17:19
Message from Min Lei
thanks for the tourny invite bms. i'm just leaving the country and will be out of range for quite some time. so i'd hate to accept, then bomb out. try me in July! goodluck.
#14 of 18
9th May 2013 07:05
Message from Gun-Ho
That will be good
#13 of 18
18th Apr 2013 11:52
Message from RUTHLEZZG
I've been trying to figure out what my teammate does in this Civil War game but it is almost like he doesn't attack anything or freemove at all. The funniest part: we actually won a game in the tournament at one point!!
#12 of 18
11th Jan 2013 10:27
Message from Candy Cane
A worthy opponent here. Others should beware.
#11 of 18
14th Dec 2012 19:33
Message from Solea
I'll see what I can do with Oceania. We may both just be signing our own death warrants, but once I get Russia, I'll have a better leg to stand on.
#10 of 18
9th Nov 2012 23:48
Message from ratsy
Thanks for the analysis. I learned something there!
#9 of 18
26th Oct 2012 12:52
Message from jonahhsmith
one more fortify please, thanks
#8 of 18
24th Oct 2012 16:00
Message from R K A
gg. my fault on the fog game.
#7 of 18
8th Oct 2012 22:34
Message from Wild1
#6 of 18
7th Aug 2012 09:43
Message from DBA72
Indeed it has!
#5 of 18
17th Jun 2012 16:14
Message from brak
Hi bmasera, nice to be your team mate as well. What you say makes sense. I'll try to get into Australia next turn. However orange has 5 units up in Mongolia. He'll probably try to blitz in on his turn. So you might have to watch my back :) Yellow is still to take his turn but if both of us are still left standing in South America after his turn, I'll transfer my units.
#4 of 18
26th May 2012 12:12
Message from Candy Cane
i found you a picture. http://www.veamea.com/blog/bid/63874/Microsoft-Acquires-Skype-Video-Collaboration-World-Yawns
#3 of 18
23rd May 2012 16:18
Message from humuhumu182
american dream : im shifting all my efforts to the east i will try to help you by busting up jimmy wish me luck
#2 of 18
22nd May 2012 03:43
Message from humuhumu182
ok cool now i know how to talk to you once again sorry about the miscommunication but know i know how to contact you as you can see i rolled b4 i read your msg in the next games we will be able to talk better : )
#1 of 18
Pages:   1   (1 in total)