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Djembe Djembe is offline now
Rank Major General Major General
Membership Type Standard
Player #4687
Joined WarGear 14th Jul 2010
Last Visit 18th Apr 2013 11:33
Country Belgium
Championship Points 113 (#32)
Global Ranking Score 2372 (#37)
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H Rating 74%
Average turn time 11 hours 4m
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Pages:   1   (1 in total)
13th Jan 2012 00:17
Message from ChuckWholery
It is all good! I am glad pink is gone. Thanks!
#14 of 14
19th Oct 2011 14:58
Message from timmy888
#13 of 14
18th Jun 2011 15:40
Message from falker1976
thanks! I am aiming for 3K...we shall see if I can...I have 3 games in progress that I lost or am close to losing... =P
#12 of 14
15th May 2011 21:34
Message from Mad Bomber
very strong player
#11 of 14
9th Mar 2011 17:04
Message from norlingk
that truce didn't last long..
#10 of 14
27th Feb 2011 02:00
Message from renjason
sooooo many games are waiting on your "vacation"
#9 of 14
12th Feb 2011 18:33
Message from Mongrel
Welcome Djembe... Your global ranking is quite impressive. The last longtime leader of GRS quit the site a while ago and we wondered if he'd ever be topped. Well done.
#8 of 14
19th Jan 2011 16:03
Message from Gimli
The fact I am not dead, and ranked 3rd as you say should tell you something. Obviously you are coming to a wrong conclusion again. If the move was bad for you, that doesn't make it idiotic. You were warned what would happen. That makes your move that instigated your destruction the only stupid move. With the unit caps on territories, you need other places to place units when cashing cards. Just cuz the results were expectedly unfortunate for you doesn't make it a bad move. Part of being a good player is having people know you will keep your word and mean what you say. So that and the practical application explained will be as much of my 3rd ranking worthy strategies that I will share.
#7 of 14
16th Jan 2011 23:36
Message from Gimli
Well, seeing as you got yourself killed with your decisions, it seems I have to message you here as you are not likely to see my response in our LOTR game. All I can say is that you were warned many turns ago about Mordor. You shouldn't complain about sleeping in the bed that you made. It makes you sound like an idiot. And then your choice to ignore a read of the board gets you eliminated. Perhaps next time you'll heed a wise warning. Cheers and good luck out there.
#6 of 14
16th Jan 2011 08:56
Message from KING887
sorry but i needed the card and lost 7 armies already. look at the history.
#5 of 14
14th Jan 2011 03:10
Message from Flavor
in WWIII I do not plan to step into europe. Focus on what you have there without worry from me.
#4 of 14
6th Jan 2011 13:37
Message from CRAZYQQ
#3 of 14
3rd Nov 2010 16:22
Message from SIEG HEIL
Congratulations on the win, but that was the dumbest victory ever. =( Chain card turn ins >=(
#2 of 14
1st Oct 2010 06:48
Message from toreyk482
sounds good, sorry i don't have PMs!
#1 of 14
Pages:   1   (1 in total)