208 Open Daily games
6 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.56 out of 10 based on 32 ratings

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Pages:   12   (2 in total)
7 Jun 2023
Reviewed by Templaribus  Perfect
In New Earth, the idea of a distant planet that could be colonized by human beings is especially interesting, all the more so because of its contemporaneity. Considering we are making Earth uninhabitable, we may really need a new planet to live on! In a sense, the idea at the root of this board reflects the apocalyptic spirit of our times, while at the same time giving us hope.

Finding food in the oceans, which we receive through factories, is a great idea that leads us to the desire to expand in order to be able to nourish a growing population of settlers with calories. Get rid of hunger! After a few rounds, you'll find that you've amassed a sizable number of troops in the coastal territories. You will only need to meticulously plan their transfer to the front line, managing well the two fortifies you are entitled to.

For me justice is very important! Some boards are born from good ideas but unfortunately result in unbalanced maps and unfair matches in which certain areas of the board automatically guarantee the victory to whoever occupies them. M57 always manages to overcome this challenge with his very accurate boards. In New Earth, no matter what position your troops start the game in, all outcomes are possible. Uncertainty is awesome!

In the first round, the number of reserves that each player receives is reduced proportionally, which contributes to a fair start to the match.

This board is so perfect! It is difficult to conceive of a board that lends itself to balanced games in all settings. Some work well with a few players, but not so well with many. Others work well with some types of fog, but not with all.

M57 produced an extraordinarily versatile map here! I have successfully tried many dozens of games with all types of fog (including no fog), with any number of players (from minimum to maximum), even with disputes between teams (whether two or more), and all variations, whatever they may be, produce balanced games where luck and strategy are fairly combined. No matter what you choose, there's always a perfect fit for your way of playing. Win or lose, gaming satisfaction is guaranteed!

As a tip, I would just mention that it is important to pay attention to the detail that the west-east edges of the board connect (as if you were on a real planet that you can go around!). It's possible to attack your opponents and, if you're not careful, be attacked that way.
Play and have fun!
#32 of 32
30 Dec 2022
Reviewed by jungkerl  Great
#31 of 32
25 Sep 2022
Reviewed by mack attack  Good
it is a great concept with the ocean giving factory bonus, and its pretty fun. i prefer more connected continent bonuses though.
#30 of 32
24 Jun 2022
Reviewed by SillyBastard  Perfect
#29 of 32
30 Dec 2021
Reviewed by War 0n Machines  Superb
Fun board and game. Forced me to think outside the box. Will def play again!
#28 of 32
30 Jun 2021
Reviewed by Litotes  Great
Good duel board with chances for both players. Bonus structure can lead to protracted standoffs in multi-player, so I'll recommend trying with two players. Or add more fog than board default.
#27 of 32
3 Mar 2021
Reviewed by asm  Superb
One of the best. Only two things hold it back from a 10/10: the dark green color looks waaay too much like the neutral color, and there are a couple of spots where the borders aren't perfectly clear in the map graphic.

In every other respect it's amazing - balance is terrific, there is no dominant strategy, the scenarios are all balanced, lots of fog settings work... I could go on and on. I guess one weakness is that my name isn't on the map for some inexplicable reason.
#26 of 32
7 Aug 2018
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Great
Lucked out by winning my first game here. I'll be coming back to play this board, and figure out how to improve my strategy based on the several options for getting bonuses. Very interesting gameplay and visuals.
#25 of 32
2 Jun 2018
Reviewed by Shoelace  Superb
Really enjoy the land/sea element with sea spaces being critical but also requires expanding one's borders. Low number of fortifies requires some tough decisions early on. Supports a variety of strategies.
#24 of 32
17 May 2018
Reviewed by Levowsky  Great
good board
#23 of 32
7 Aug 2016
Reviewed by BigBird  Average
I know this board is highly rated by a number of players but i'm not its biggest fan. I think it needs more practice that i'm willing to give it. I'm not a fan of the graphics and think the game play could do with being a little clearer.
#22 of 32
28 Mar 2015
Reviewed by jamlew  Superb
Great board. Feels quite balanced in the games I've played. The seas are fun to experiment with.
#21 of 32
8 Feb 2015
Reviewed by Babbalouie  Perfect
Excellent board. Well conceived and unique.
#20 of 32
5 Aug 2014
Reviewed by Angela  Average
Probably too complicated for me at this stage. Will need to revisit this board as I gain experience.
#19 of 32
25 Mar 2014
Reviewed by Pappy  Great
get to the seas
#18 of 32
10 Feb 2014
Reviewed by Maximus Dirtbagicus  Superb
More difficult as one has to control the sea lanes to get to unconnected land masses. Direct approaches should require one to defeat a "3" versus a "2" to advance.
#17 of 32
29 Jul 2013
Reviewed by Teamster  Superb
Man, this board can be really frustrating. I always fail with my initial moves, but once you get out to the sea...ahhhh bliss!
It's hard to come up with a clear strategy, I like to get my hands on the smaller islands and grow from there.
For me the perfect scenario involves 6 players, 3v3 or 2v2v2.
Try it. You're gonna like it.
#16 of 32
19 Feb 2013
Reviewed by Aduse  Superb
Definitely one of my favorite boards. Love the concept. It's extremely fun to play.
#15 of 32
13 Feb 2013
Reviewed by ivanfly  Superb
Great idea, great layout, love/hate the graphics.

I have had games go all sorts of different directions, which is a great sign. Some people turtle and win, some people are aggressive and win. Just be careful when looking at which territories border which water. It's not always clear and you can work yourself into a corner unintentionally.
#14 of 32
8 Oct 2012
Reviewed by zombiejesus  Perfect
I love the gameplay on this board. Each time I play I see new strategies developing -- there isn't one linear strategy or location on the board that is better than another, almost anything can be effective if you think it through. Having bonuses develop by controlling a sea territory and an adjacent land territory adds a nifty angle to the game, and affects much more than you might think at first. Great board!
#13 of 32
Pages:   12   (2 in total)