197 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

asm asm is offline now
Rank Major General Major General
Membership Type Standard
Player #230
Joined WarGear 7th Nov 2009
Last Visit 27th Jul 2021 13:33
Country Ukraine
Championship Points 172 (#21)
Global Ranking Score 943 (#2521)
Monthly Score -
Team Score 1138
H Rating 61%
Average turn time 6 hours 31m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 0 (9)
Elimination Streak (Best) 0 (18)
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asm's Achievements

  • Combateer (Play 2000 Public Games)
  • Competent (Win 500 Public Games)
  • Team Player (Play One Public Team Game)
  • Combat Buddy (Win One Public Team Game)
  • Designer (Release one board)
  • Wordsmith (Post 1000 comments on the discussion board)
  • Explorer (Play games on 50 different boards)
  • Founder (First 1000 player numbers)
  • Friend of the People (Friended by 25 Players)
  • Not Feeling the Love (Enemy of a Player)
  • Dominating (Eliminate 15 players in succession)
  • Multi Winstreak (Win 5 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
  • Tournament Knight (Joined Tournament)
  • Tournament Champion (Won Tournament)
  • Tournament Team Champion (Won Team Tournament)
  • Critic (Rate 10 boards)
  • Investor (Become a Premium Member)
  • ICU (Upload profile picture)
  • Quick Thinker (Played a Realtime game)
  • Fischer Price (Played a Fischer Clock game)
  • In The Points (Scored a Championship Point)

asm's Trophy Cabinet


I don't play defense.

Winner of the first tournament ever played on Wargear.

This is the all-time luck chart for a game

asm's Wall

Pages:   1234567   (7 in total)
29th Jan 2024 10:17
Message from ishim
You have a color naned after you on wargear 2210 However you okay?
#138 of 138
30th Jun 2022 15:25
Message from Andernut
Hope you're doing okay asm. Drop a line if you're ever around WG.
#137 of 138
2nd Feb 2021 07:53
Message from Genghis Jhon
So, believe it or not, I actually never noticed there was a ratings tab for boards... D'Oh! It was suggested to me rather firmly during the board's initial review that an attack limit was essential if I wanted to allow abandonment. What would you suggest as an alternative to 12 attacks? Also looking for more specific indications of how I should rebalance the connectivity, and/or exactly what connections are missing?
#136 of 138
28th Jan 2021 07:04
Message from Genghis Jhon
You posted a review of my Colonies map somewhere? I can't find it... You say the 12 attack max makes it virtually unplayable. What would you suggest upping it to? And what territory borders have you noticed missing? If I can get a solid list of issues, I'll revise the map.
#135 of 138
7th Jan 2021 08:00
Message from Genghis Jhon
I saw that you'd rated my Colonies board 3 stars out of 10. It's a first effort, and I'm always up for constructive criticism. Care to share why?
#134 of 138
14th Oct 2020 19:51
Message from Aiken Drumn
So what brought you back after 4 years?
#133 of 138
5th Oct 2020 06:48
Message from Chele Nica
Hey there asm, you're a sight for sore eyes. Welcome back!
#132 of 138
24th Sep 2020 09:07
Message from RiskyBack
So you're the one!!!!! LOL It's funny, working from home and busier than ever, but as soon as I get a chance I'm either writing or playing here. It's like my life from life from 10 years ago all over again.
#131 of 138
26th Apr 2020 21:52
Message from DBA72
Hey man, you remember me? You still active on here?
#130 of 138
26th Apr 2020 21:50
Message from DBA72
Hey man, you remember me? You still active on here?
#129 of 138
1st Sep 2016 11:36
Message from Mad Bomber
One of my favorite players.....
#128 of 138
25th Dec 2015 11:17
Message from Amidon37
Not on my nerves at all! It's great to be playing games with you again.
#127 of 138
23rd Dec 2015 23:32
Message from Amidon37
You joining every game I create?
#126 of 138
13th Dec 2015 02:52
Message from Mongrel
You bet friend.
#125 of 138
26th Feb 2015 14:28
Message from Chele Nica
Thanks for your post on my wall, I have received all your messages except for those two on the CC game we were playing, don't know what the deal was there. Hasta pronto!
#124 of 138
15th Jan 2015 10:06
Message from Cona Chris
Thanks for the kind words! If you ever want to discuss a board/strategy or anything like that too, let me know.
#123 of 138
12th Jan 2015 21:16
Message from Andernut
Absolutely. I sent you an invite to this team tourney. http://www.wargear.net/tournaments/view/1499
#122 of 138
11th Jan 2015 21:41
Message from Andernut
I appreciate you saying I'm classing up the joint - though I'm not the most gracious of players haha. Still glad to see you back though! Last time you were here I seem to remember you facing burnout or too much WG time - take it easy, you look like you're in several pages of games! Hope to land in one with you soon though :)
#121 of 138
9th Jan 2015 10:45
Message from Cramchakle
Thanks for giving me a poke. Glad to see you're back. A lot of the "old-timers" seem to be ghosting around, myself included.
#120 of 138
8th Jan 2015 15:42
Message from Nick Fury
Every time I read your name I immediately think ass-to-mouth.
#119 of 138
Pages:   1234567   (7 in total)