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Toaster Toaster is offline now
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Player #199
Joined WarGear 7th Nov 2009
Last Visit 26th Nov 2019 05:23
Country United States
Championship Points 24 (#142)
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Average turn time 7 hours 59m
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Pages:   123   (3 in total)
18th Jan 2023 23:11
Message from ishim
Thanks for making wargear warfare.
#41 of 41
14th Feb 2018 23:41
Message from Thingol
Good to see you poke in every now and again. You should give my Ravenloft map a try if you get a chance.
#40 of 41
25th Nov 2017 04:01
Message from Nikolai
Hey Dude, I noticed you're still around. I hope you & yours had a good Thanksgiving. All the Best! (From one old-timer to another)
#39 of 41
9th Dec 2016 06:10
Message from Edward Nygma
Come visit!
#38 of 41
16th Nov 2012 22:49
Message from Andernut
In your risk "Free for all" I think turn order shouldn't be tied to seat-order. I'm seeing someone creating fog maps 1v1 and picking Russia which gives them an inherent advantage. I also think Russia is placed well to take out Germany even when you know exactly what moves will be taken, and if you pick anyone other than Germany Russia seems to get a wide range of bonuses.
#37 of 41
13th Feb 2012 11:26
Message from izhe
Sorry I had to bail. I need to step away from the computer for about an hour. :( Will try to hit you for another game another time.
#36 of 41
21st Jan 2012 05:06
Message from Andros
Hi toaster, been playing your warfare map day in day out since joining (only dec '11). Love classic risk 3.I started thread http://www.wargear.net/forum/showthread/2032/New_board_or_scenario and emailed yertle/support about wanting to design similar map with different rules, however most think the best way forward is to create scenarios for current boards. My question is would you create scenario for wargear warfare with turn based initial setup. I realise we could only play realtime but I feel this would eliminate some of the luck and be more tactical. Would we have neutrals? obviously necessary in 2p but not so in 3p. Other rules could stay the same. Could we have a cards setup that reset after a while so it doesnt keep ncreasing. upto you. The turn based initial setup was key factor. Thanks Andros
#35 of 41
7th Jan 2012 06:51
Message from TrizOz
thanks for the heads-up !!!!
#34 of 41
16th Oct 2011 20:15
Message from Gimli
wondering if you would ever tweak your AnA scenarios. The free for all choice or random seems to really favour Russia... every game that is started with choice, the pros are taking Russia (Squint Gnome and especially Falker)... USSR just seems to have the most feasible options for expanding. Japan is worst off, as they are only getting +9 while all else get +10, and since you have both their starting points on islands, they get zero growth opportunity for 3 turns- 1 to take the sea zone, 2 to move to next sea zone, 3 to attack something for a bonus. Perhaps they could have east China and have the units in a sea zone outside of Japan. maybe UK could have 2 central African +1s, so they have more places to go on the 1st turn as well. it is fun, but the odds are too high for USSR player to prevail
#33 of 41
12th May 2011 14:57
Message from AttilaTheHun
Toaster please accept surrender in this game: http://www.wargear.net/games/view/61820
#32 of 41
12th Apr 2011 12:05
Message from Yertle
Heya Toaster, just making sure you seen this board design competition, http://www.wargear.net/forum/showthread/1502p1/First_Vote_for_Map_Making_CollectiveCompetition ? Competition is 2 months to have a Pangea themed board through Dev and ready to be voted on and put together in a collection. tom's thrown in a $100 prize as well. Hope all is well and hope you can perhaps make the competition! =Yertle
#31 of 41
4th Apr 2011 14:52
Message from Yertle
Heya, just a heads up http://www.wargear.net/forum/showthread/1503/Cards_bug_on_2_player_Axis_amp;_Allies_Board Let me know if anything should be different. Thanks!
#30 of 41
25th Mar 2011 00:14
Message from hunthart09
have you put any consideration into a 1 vs 1 A&A ??? that would be awesome...
#29 of 41
1st Mar 2011 00:23
Message from Thingol
Question in regards to A&A map...what setting allows the 3 cards on the initial turn? I don't find it anywhere in the setup/initial settings. Also, I'll 2nd Ender's note below - a 1vs1 A&A game would be...awesome!!
#28 of 41
21st Feb 2011 13:08
Message from Yertle
Was just looking back through old posts on WF and seen some posts by Panda, your wife right? How's she doing?
#27 of 41
18th Feb 2011 10:14
Message from Ender
Hey Toaster... any possibility of creating a 1v1 mod for AnA? I would love to be able to controll all the allies/axis so that we can finally see who is the best!
#26 of 41
12th Feb 2011 23:18
Message from BlackDog
Is the FFA mod balanced, or just the same setup without teams?
#25 of 41
4th Feb 2011 16:01
Message from BlackDog
I'm not exactly against attack stacking, and its abundant use is why I generally win BOA games. However, when playing Russia in A&A for instance, you basically have no ability to fight Germany fairly because Germany can stack so many more attacks than you.
#24 of 41
4th Feb 2011 10:29
Message from BlackDog
Which is sort of like a problem
#23 of 41
4th Feb 2011 10:29
Message from BlackDog
So excited about A&A! Tourney? Also, I noticed that you aren't using any attack % decay, which would solve one of the major promblems with the map.
#22 of 41
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