197 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.42 out of 10 based on 19 ratings

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9 Feb 2021
Reviewed by asm  Average
It looks great and makes for a fun, small diversion. You pretty much can't win without starting from the top or bottom, but the neutrals on the top decks add some strategy, and as long as you understand that as a small board it's more subject to luck than usual, there's no problem with it. A bad couple of rolls early will "sink" your game - on to the next one.

1. Two colors are nearly identical (black and dark gray). This is really, really bad.
2. This board has 17 starting territories. That makes the starting positions kinda unfair for three players (6 6 5), kinda unfair for four players (4 4 4 5), very unfair for five players (4 4 3 3 3). The difference between starting with 4 territories vs 3 territories on this board is pretty huge - particularly if your seat is near the end of turn order.

So it's a 6 for me.
#19 of 19
4 Aug 2019
Reviewed by jungkerl  Good
#18 of 19
6 Jul 2014
Reviewed by ratsy  Great
I like this board. I wish there was a way to keep the edges from being more powerful than the centres, but the use of stairs does allow for choke points.

If you get bad luck, sorry it's not going to work out for you.

All in all though, great theme, tight gameplay, and alright balance. Don't look for a lot of back and forth on this one.
...and it's fun.
#17 of 19
13 Apr 2014
Reviewed by Babbalouie  Great
Very good. Cards are not that important.
#16 of 19
29 Jan 2014
Reviewed by Dr Gobbel  Great
Grat board, multiple ways to win it.. foggy it's superb ;)
#15 of 19
3 Jan 2014
Reviewed by Mario93al  Superb
Funny board. One mistake can make you lose
#14 of 19
10 Dec 2013
Reviewed by Levowsky  Superb
Good board
#13 of 19
8 Aug 2012
Reviewed by 3EyedTitan  Good
I like the different bonuses, good for 4 ppl to keep everyone uncomfortable.
#12 of 19
16 Mar 2012
Reviewed by dondoolee2  Good
fun little realtime board - needs some revision on the starting positions though...that would raise the rating 1 or 2 stars
#11 of 19
19 Feb 2012
Reviewed by Cona Chris  Average
This is a very straightforward, fun, fast paced and enjoyable game. Plus the graphics are awesome!

I would rate it higher, but I think starting position just plays too big a role in who wins.
#10 of 19
15 Dec 2011
Reviewed by Sinbad  Good
Pretty to look at and fun to play as long as you don't start in the middle. Initial position is everything!
#9 of 19
5 Nov 2011
Reviewed by sirheinsic  Good
fun concept, initial position seems to be determining factor though.
#8 of 19
2 Sep 2011
Reviewed by DBA72  Good
nice looking board, but like many...the middle doesn't seem to work out well.
#7 of 19
26 Aug 2011
Reviewed by Silent Strike  Great
I like playing this map because its fun to beat Timmy888 on it
#6 of 19
19 Aug 2011
Reviewed by yruab  Great
Great game for a small number of players (2-3). Getting stuck in the middle can be a death sentence though...
#5 of 19
9 Aug 2011
Reviewed by Jigler  Average
looks fantastic! this is a nice simple board, nice concept, smooth play. My problem is that is that it seems very difficult to win from the middle of the ship, so far i've only seen victories from the top or bottom. But it's still an average board for beginners and a nice simple board for anyone!
#4 of 19
8 Aug 2011
Reviewed by RazingAces  Good
Its a pretty map with thats fun to play. Might work better with 3 unit min bonuses as I always seem to get 2 and go second.
#3 of 19
23 Jul 2011
Reviewed by Paulville  Superb
GReat, however the first one, get more armies and usually get an advantage too fast!
#2 of 19
5 Jul 2011
Reviewed by Sun Tzu Jr  Good
Simple fun. With tiny troop allotments, miniscule card values, and a very constrained map, the game can only take so long. Think if it as a concentrated strategy.

Sure is pretty, too.
#1 of 19