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This page defines language that is used on WarGear.

Asymmetric - Generally a scenario-based board where the players start in positions and with unit counts that are not identical or mirror images (e.g. Battle of Waterloo, The Lorax). The major problem with asymmetric boards is game balance, since it is difficult to balance out the starting positions perfectly so that each side has an equivalent chance of victory. One way around this is to randomize start positions (i.e. players cannot choose their start position). Asymmetric can also refer to a team scenario where each team has a different number of players (e.g. The Walking Dead, Axis and Allies). Note that an asymmetric team scenario cannot be played in a tournament format.

Choke Point - A board texture that affects game-play. Choke-points are typically characterized by territories that border relatively fewer territories than the norm. Other texture types, such as dice-mods, can also create the effect.

Collector Continents - A type of Continent. See Collector Continents

Crab Game - Most commonly occurring with 3-Players; a game that has a tendency to stalemate because in the event of two players battling each other, the third unscathed player gains the upper hand.

Designer - When Capitalized in a sentence, refers to the WarGear interface that enables members to make boards for play on WarGear. When lower case, refers to the actual member who is designing the board.

Hidden Factory (also Off-Board Factory) - An advanced board designer method that operates in the background to achieve complex game mechanics (give board examples). Players do not interact directly with hidden factories or off-board factories, and often will never even see them. (List the known uses for hidden factories such as special victory conditions through capital elimination, adding units to neutral continents, “walking” objectives such as on some of Nygma's board, moving vision like on Darkness Falls, respawning, etc. Maybe link to explanations of these mechanics).

Hordes - A type of continent. See Hordes

Scenario-based - A board designed to be played with fixed starting scenarios, where the player starting positions and starting unit counts are constant from game to game (rather than open territory assignment and unit placement). These boards are often asymmetric (link to glossary term) or simulgear (the classic example is Axes and Allies), but do not necessarily have to be (for counter-examples, see Battle of Waterloo or My Kingdom).

Terrain - A term describing boards with border modifiers based on terrain types – such as mountains, hills, forests, deserts, and so forth – that are depicted in the board graphics. For example, all hill territories might grant extra board vision, while swamp territories might suffer an attack penalty.

ToS - “The Old Site” OR “That Other Site,” A site similar to WarGear from which many of the original WarGear players immigrated.

wargear_glossary.1376621701.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/26 09:33 (external edit)