216 Open Daily games
5 Open Realtime games

Rating: 9.27 out of 10 based on 22 ratings

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Pages:   12   (2 in total)
25 Apr 2018
Reviewed by Oldtimer  Superb
Very enjoyable board with many varied elements to keep track of.
#22 of 22
29 Mar 2018
Reviewed by Anton3237  Perfect
Brilliant board
#21 of 22
9 Mar 2018
Reviewed by Litotes  Superb
Superb board, great fun to play, no risk whatsoever of a strategic stalemate. Takes a bit of time to get used to where the items are located but well worth the trouble.
#20 of 22
28 Mar 2017
Reviewed by Big Skin  Great
Good variety of strategies.
#19 of 22
2 Jul 2016
Reviewed by YuriZ  Perfect
Awesome board! Nice strategy to it.
#18 of 22
24 Apr 2016
Reviewed by Alverin  Superb
Overall this board is quite enjoyable. I really like the extra touches of the castles, churches and spies bring. One thing I would like to see is some way to attack other people's horses, so they can't just drop units there 2-3 turns in a row with little you can do to stop it. I would suggest an artillery attack, either from your own horses, or maybe even better from the spies (either say that the horses are warring against one another or that the spy is managing to sow discontent among the troops.)

Edit: The map designer added a "Mercenary Battles" option specifically covering my comments above. I have bumped the rating from 8 to 9 for that. Note that I have not tried the new option as of yet - my rating might change again later after I have had the opportunity to do so.
#17 of 22
9 Apr 2015
Reviewed by molaar  Great
Great board.
#16 of 22
4 Mar 2015
Reviewed by Scipio  Perfect
great biard
#15 of 22
23 Jan 2015
Reviewed by Stalinski  Perfect
I typically stay with boards that play more like classical risk, but when I stray from those I enjoy the refreshing change of pace that this board and War of the Roses brings.
#14 of 22
20 Jan 2015
Reviewed by Brademonium  Perfect
Awesome board! A little different concept than most risk boards because the main goal is to take down the crown, and not eliminate the other players, but it is a fresh and welcomed addition to WarGear. Fun balanced gameplay and some strong strategy required (and a little luck always helps too!) if you want the win.
#13 of 22
18 Dec 2014
Reviewed by JimmyTheBear  Perfect
Excellent board. Makes for even competitive gameplay.
#12 of 22
27 Nov 2014
Reviewed by Korrun  Perfect
Inspired by War of the Roses, but with some important changes. Make sure to not neglect building up your mercenaries. The win often goes to whoever builds them up first. This can be a surprisingly fast game. Don't get too hung up on getting bonuses. If you do, someone else will get to the crown first.

The first few times through use the coordinates in the legend to help find the matching symbols faster.
#11 of 22
4 Nov 2014
Reviewed by IRsmart  Great
Well thought out board with a multitude of strategies possible. That makes it interesting, as second guessing an opponent becomes more difficult.

Only real negative point: I do find it a bit tiring sometimes, having to search for matching symbols (even after playing it several times).
#10 of 22
27 Oct 2014
Reviewed by Andernut  Perfect
Always love M57's boards. This adds some complexity to another home-run map created by M57 - War of the Roses.

Remember, control of the board doesn't matter so much as having the power for a push on the throne!
#9 of 22
26 Oct 2014
Reviewed by Sun Tzu Jr  Great
Very interesting (and fun) board. There's a lot going on so it takes a couple of runs at it to get the hang of it. Tough to figure out when to gather strength and territories and when to strike for the win.
#8 of 22
21 Oct 2014
Reviewed by j-bomb  Superb
What everyone else said!
#7 of 22
11 Sep 2014
Reviewed by ecko  Superb
very good map. very complex but still fun to play. hard to make the right decision between trying to grab more crests, castles etc or going straight for the crown. makes me wanna try war of the roses.
#6 of 22
23 Aug 2014
Reviewed by itsnotatumor  Perfect
If you like the complexity of “War Of The Roses” this might be the map for you. It’s bigger and more complex with dynamic additions of spies, factories, and crown reducing castles. No one path to victory.

Like WOTR you must take combinations of shields and their implied support to wage war on the other claimants fund your shot at the throne. But, choices expand. Do you go for shields, churches, castles, or invest in your own personal mercenaries?

Again like WOTR this board will not go to the last man standing, but the first to prove himself worthy. And, at some point you must roll the dice to seize the crown or bow to your future king.
#5 of 22
23 Aug 2014
Reviewed by Babbalouie  Good
It's OK
#4 of 22
20 Aug 2014
Reviewed by Cona Chris  Perfect
This board takes the "War of the Roses" board and adds to it with some new twists. The capability of adding units to your own personal mercenaries is an awesome addition. The ability to get factories to add troops to the board and the mercs is an interesting twist too.

You have to build up bonuses, but keep an eye on everyone else - the ultimate prize is taking out the crown - don't lose sight of that. Having most of the board won't get you the win necessarily.

It takes some "up time" to learn where the bonuses/markers are, there is a legend under the markers to help you locate them.

You really have to focus on yourself and not get too carried away with policing the board, else someone else will pass you in a hurry and claim victory.
#3 of 22
Pages:   12   (2 in total)