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asm asm is offline now
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Player #230
Joined WarGear 7th Nov 2009
Last Visit 27th Jul 2021 13:33
Country Ukraine
Championship Points 172 (#20)
Global Ranking Score 943 (#2512)
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Team Score 1138
H Rating 61%
Average turn time 6 hours 31m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 0 (9)
Elimination Streak (Best) 0 (18)
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asm's Achievements

  • Combateer (Play 2000 Public Games)
  • Competent (Win 500 Public Games)
  • Team Player (Play One Public Team Game)
  • Combat Buddy (Win One Public Team Game)
  • Designer (Release one board)
  • Wordsmith (Post 1000 comments on the discussion board)
  • Explorer (Play games on 50 different boards)
  • Founder (First 1000 player numbers)
  • Friend of the People (Friended by 25 Players)
  • Not Feeling the Love (Enemy of a Player)
  • Dominating (Eliminate 15 players in succession)
  • Multi Winstreak (Win 5 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
  • Tournament Knight (Joined Tournament)
  • Tournament Champion (Won Tournament)
  • Tournament Team Champion (Won Team Tournament)
  • Critic (Rate 10 boards)
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  • ICU (Upload profile picture)
  • Quick Thinker (Played a Realtime game)
  • Fischer Price (Played a Fischer Clock game)
  • In The Points (Scored a Championship Point)

asm's Trophy Cabinet


I don't play defense.

Winner of the first tournament ever played on Wargear.

This is the all-time luck chart for a game

asm's Wall

Pages:   1234567   (7 in total)
4th Nov 2010 03:59
Message from toolman4052
sup man? i read your "about me" on warfish and had to follow your recommendation to this site! your recommendation was under-rated! this site takes the best of warfish, facebook, and modern day forums and puts it all together! how unbelievable! I thank you for your profile over on that site, because it led me to this site! I wish I knew who and where you were so I could get on my knees and suck on your penis, whether big or small :)
#98 of 138
29th Oct 2010 03:18
Message from AdamN
another notch on your 'dead fish picture' belt. I thought it a fitting ending to my time on ToS Thanks for the idea of the avatar.
#97 of 138
20th Oct 2010 15:28
Message from RiskyBack
In your adventures out of the country, try to find me a monkey paw ashtray please! Good luck and come back to us more of a prick than you were before!
#96 of 138
13th Oct 2010 11:21
Message from BlackDog
Yeah, that was a crazy game (http://www.wargear.net/games/player/30731) Definetely could have gone about any way, I got lucky with grey setting me up to eliminate you.
#95 of 138
13th Oct 2010 02:04
Message from IRoll11s
Wazzup asm! Back from a 2 week driving tour of the country, forgot to set my stupid vacation thingy. Also starting a new job tomorrow. So it'll be another week of lurking before I get back into annoying you all. Sorry 'bout that stupid tourny game. I thought I stopped at enough McDonald's free wifi spots to keep up with my games, but I guess I didn't.
#94 of 138
28th Sep 2010 22:18
Message from Yertle
No problem on the color ;) I did see that on Resident Evil, I'd been watching for that! I went and checked and seen that have one active still, so I was hoping you'd lose that :). Of course best of luck ;)
#93 of 138
12th Aug 2010 02:26
Message from IRoll11s
#92 of 138
10th Aug 2010 22:43
Message from DBA72
I did it...I finally in the 15th game, did the seeming impossible...I beat you, lol. Hooray me!
#91 of 138
3rd Aug 2010 11:35
Message from RiskyBack
I read you ToS post on my wall and I don't really understand. He already had the money. It's not like map sales are kept in an escrow account or anything. It goes into his account and then he pays (or doesn't) out of it. I was out the money and he had it anyways so I decided to do the spiteful thing and use it the only way I could. I like doing things out of spite. If I could find a way to do laundry out of spite I would have the cleanest clothes in the world!
#90 of 138
1st Aug 2010 14:52
Message from Dud
I like your new profile pic
#89 of 138
31st Jul 2010 17:22
Message from CiscoKid
Stole your avatar for ToS :-)
#88 of 138
26th Jul 2010 14:33
Message from General Domination
Bravo on the profile pic. Reminds me of this classic picture: http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/swiftpenguin/iron-my-shirt.jpg
#87 of 138
23rd Jul 2010 14:46
Message from alister
You are correct on all accounts, asm. I wish I had better news!
#86 of 138
18th Jul 2010 05:33
Message from IRoll11s
So you don't play defense eh? I always knew you were offensive.
#85 of 138
18th Jul 2010 01:08
Message from Edward Nygma
#84 of 138
14th Jul 2010 22:07
Message from Mongrel
Norseman's wall alliteration applies to you as well.
#83 of 138
3rd Jul 2010 11:09
Message from Dud
Hey ASM, thanks for the heads up on killing 1000 of my prime enemies! I didn't notice until I had 1002 eliminated, my bad. I notice you are doing the same and our percentage of kills per game is about the same, AWESOME to know you do the heavy lifting as well.... Now, let's go find some blood.... ;)
#82 of 138
26th Jun 2010 10:15
Message from RiskyBack
I'm glad I never actually read P&P&Z then. I wanted to keep the dream of the idea alive and was afraid to read it for just that reason. In FFB news, I have the lead in all pitching categories but just slightly and I have 2 pitchers going today and not sure what to do about it. I like the pitchers, but not really the matchups but my opponent has got some pitchers and they are iffy. Gonna be a long morning for RiskyBack going back and forth on it. At least my White Sox are only 1 1/2 games back now so the rest doesn't really matter.
#81 of 138
24th Jun 2010 23:44
Message from RiskyBack
So I figured out why I was doing so bad at my H2H fantasy baseball league.....I was playing to win. You have to play to not lose! Now, as soon as I hit the minimum innings for my league I sit my pitching staff and watch their numbers drop while mine stays the same. It's like the line from the movie "Dazed and Confused": "That's what I love about High School girls, I keep getting older and they stay the same age"
#80 of 138
24th Jun 2010 15:05
Message from RiskyBack
I don't know if you were serious about you holding up the McRisky's tournament, but I have decided to blame you anyways and have posted a message in the tournament for everybody to post their complaints here. You're Welcome! http://www.wargear.net/tournaments/view/65
#79 of 138
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