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    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    I'll be keeping this change log up to date on a regular basis with all the changes that are being made to the site. This should give everyone an idea of what the team are currently working on and if something breaks or changes, what could have caused this.

    2/11/2009 Fixed bug where board designers were able to overwrite other designer's board descriptions
    2/11/2009 Fixed bug in player where card bonus value was not incrementing correctly
    2/11/2009 Added news submission option to forum threads
    1/11/2009 Added 'Submitted' state to board designs to allow review before they are promoted to Live
    31/10/2009 Added 'Contact this player' link to player profile page
    28/10/2009 Fixed bug where ending a forum thread name with % broke the thread display
    28/10/2009 Home page updated to new format to be more welcoming to new users
    28/10/2009 Fixed bug where card image were not updating properly when Designer edited them
    25/10/2009 Fixed bug where profile image were not working on IE
    23/10/2009 Added vacations
    22/10/2009 Fixed rankings table not showing last played date correctly
    21/10/2009 Added individual board stats to player stats page
    21/10/2009 Stats pages updated to show player win ratios for all game player numbers
    21/10/2009 Fixed png image transparency not appearing correctly in page header and front page
    20/10/2009 Added payment history to account page
    20/10/2009 Fixed bug where errors were appearing on front page when certain game events appeared
    15/10/2009 Fixed cron jobs - account expiry, auto boot and auto skipping were failing to run on schedule
    15/10/2009 Fixed bug where 'Created Date' field in game list was not sorting correctly
    15/10/2009 Fixed bug where private team games were not populating team names correctly
    15/10/2009 Add my games to front page if authenticated
    14/10/2009 Updated territory select code to make selections more obvious
    13/10/2009 Added attack results animation to player attack results
    13/10/2009 Added help pages 'How to Play' and 'Playing a Game' for beginners
    12/10/2009 Updated Player to show fill mode board fog with cross-hatching rather than solid fill to improve visibility

    Edited Mon 2nd Nov 02:15 [history]

  2. #2 / 131
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    6/11/2009    Added admin pages for approving / rejecting board submissions
    6/11/2009    Fixed bug which blocked board deletion / submission
    6/11/2009    Updated help administration pages
    6/11/2009    Renamed 'Non-Fill mode' to 'Circle Mode'
    4/11/2009    Updated forum pages to show player profile and avatar in thread
    4/11/2009    Fixed bug in password reset page where password field in email was blank

  3. #3 / 131
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    Big thanks to the WF posse for a whole heap of great improvement suggestions recently:

    9/11/2009    Add Smilies
    9/11/2009    Reduce swearing sensitivity
    9/11/2009    Pre-game chat
    9/11/2009    Added newline support to game chat
    9/11/2009    Name at top links direct to profile
    9/11/2009    Can add friends / enemies from profile page
    9/11/2009    Block non-forum admins from posting in announcements forum
    9/11/2009    Changed forum thread color to dark grey (still white in work mode)
    9/11/2009    Quote button to quote previous post
    9/11/2009    Animated gifs as avatars
    8/11/2009    GIFs allowed as board and card images
    8/11/2009    Test fill button now available when adding territory
    8/11/2009    Improved visibility of territories in fill mode
    8/11/2009    Improved clickability of borders in fill mode
    8/11/2009    Fixed rules window scrollbar missing problem and title
    8/11/2009    Fixed 'AddThis' toolbar positioning
    8/11/2009    Updated board info page so that 'Create Game' link is more obvious
    8/11/2009    Updated game list pages to show preview of board image when clicking on thumbnail
    8/11/2009    Fixed bug in help pages appearance and changed menu animation delay
    8/11/2009    Updated game info to make Launch Player more obvious
    7/11/2009    Fixed bug where designers were unable to save board designs
    7/11/2009    Fixed bug where AutoBoot was able to boot players on vacation in certain circumstances

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    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    More changes today:

    10/11/2009    Profile image doesn't have to be square
    10/11/2009    Fixed bug where Designer was not displaying in Firefox
    10/11/2009    Drop timelimit between posts and searches (still a 30s spam limit between creating new threads)
    10/11/2009    When creating a new thread and you enter the Title, tabbing takes you to message
    10/11/2009    Set width so table above Launch Player fits nicely
    10/11/2009    Ranking table - 2 game minimum (will be expanded to 10 at a later stage)
    10/11/2009    Jump to post when posting message
    10/11/2009    Non-moderators now can't post to secure forum
    10/11/2009    Timezones - now uses common names
    10/11/2009    Promoting to live not updating version number
    10/11/2009    Added setting to remove AddThis.com toolbar

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    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    More today:

    11/11/2009    Recent threads view / icon
    11/11/2009    My Recent threads view / icon
    11/11/2009    Link to player's active forum threads from profile page
    11/11/2009    Profile image resizing aspect ratio fixed
    11/11/2009    Icon to denote threads which have stuff to read in them
    11/11/2009    Changed format of threads list
    11/11/2009    Add games_played field to users table
    11/11/2009    Join private game bug fixed (Kjeld)
    11/11/2009    Changed appearance of player bar - added crosses for eliminated players
    11/11/2009    Show units to place in Player
    11/11/2009    Attack box off screen problem fixed

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    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    12/11/2009    Attacking or fortifying from territory with 1 unit with abandon on problem fixed
    12/11/2009    Prevented player from eliminating themselves with an attack
    12/11/2009    Fixed Fortify box appearing off edge of screen
    12/11/2009    Added page jump icons to thread list
    12/11/2009    Added Attack All button to Attack Box
    12/11/2009    Added Fortify All / None buttons to Fortify Box
    12/11/2009    Games Lost field on rankings table fixed

  7. #7 / 131
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    This weekend's changes:

    15/11/2009 Blocked board image updates when board is Live
    15/11/2009 Profile images link to full size image
    15/11/2009 Hide private games from player profile games list
    15/11/2009 Fixed board rankings table not updating
    15/11/2009 Changed board image preview and game join page so transparency is retained
    15/11/2009 Enemies shown in red color in forum list
    15/11/2009 Fixed friend colors not appearing correctly in forum threads
    15/11/2009 Fixed player stats pages not displaying ranking data properly
    15/11/2009 Designer - Allow enter key shortcut to Add territory button
    15/11/2009 Designer - Improve way borders are added - allow multiple borders to be added at a time - also apply to adding modifiers
    15/11/2009 Designer - Better way of visualising border modifiers

  8. #8 / 131
    Major General asm asm is offline now
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    tom wrote:

    9/11/2009    Reduce swearing sensitivity

    ##### yeah!

  9. #9 / 131
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    18/11/2009    Fixed 'Recent Threads' and 'Active Threads' icons not appearing in Navigation bar in IE7+
    18/11/2009    Show who invited you to a game (says (Host) on Join page)
    18/11/2009    Change style of commentbox to match forum
    18/11/2009    Fixed timestamp of the Last Poster column displaying incorrect time
    18/11/2009    Fix thread read icon - note
    18/11/2009    Remove second row of navigation table when reviewing boards
    18/11/2009    Fixed missing ranking data
    18/11/2009    Fix general game messaging problems
    18/11/2009    Revamp game info page
    18/11/2009    Drop Comms tab from Player
    18/11/2009    Game engine on hold setting
    17/11/2009    Disabled zero button and zero shortcut key when in fortify phase
    17/11/2009    Changed shape of Fortify box and slimmed down Attack box
    17/11/2009    Improved highlighting of border when attacking / fortifying
    17/11/2009    Fixed bug where incorrect player was shown as being attacked in Attack box
    17/11/2009    Color border line white / green / red to denote border modifiers
    16/11/2009    Prevented sticky threads from appearing at top of recent threads / active threads lists
    16/11/2009    Dev games can be restarted at any time from the game info page by the designer
    16/11/2009    New board review system live
    16/11/2009    Replacing existing live board to retain ranking / scores when moving to Live status

  10. #10 / 131
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    19/11/2009    Player bar in games list now links to player profiles
    19/11/2009    Added vacation details to profile page if player is on vacation 'on vacation until'
    19/11/2009    Allow deletion of profile comments
    19/11/2009    Enabled Firefox spellchecker in Full Editor
    19/11/2009    Private games can still be accessed via Boards>>Games List tab - fixed
    19/11/2009    Updated page number indicators to make them clearer
    19/11/2009    Games list start at 0 - changed to 1
    19/11/2009    Player links in chat need to make main window change
    19/11/2009    Purify game messages to prevent scripts running (thanks IRoll11s!)
    19/11/2009    Fixed color transparency in board preview image on game info page
    19/11/2009    Fixed bug where free transfer does not occur during limited attack play if player has run out of attacks
    19/11/2009    Allow players to delete game messages provided 5 minute timout has not passed or another player has posted since your message
    19/11/2009    If a Friend make the header on profile page (where the player's name is) Green.  If an Enemy make it Red.
    19/11/2009    Make private messages and game stats a premium option
    19/11/2009    Improved randomness of game board initialisation
    19/11/2009    Changed eliminated player boxes in board view to x's

  11. #11 / 131
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    I'm currently working on a number of updates to the Flash Player hence it's been a bit quiet recently. Should hopefully have it released today or tomorrow. Here's a few updates I made at the weekend which I forgot to post up:

    22/11/2009    Designer - revert to modifier style of adding borders with pairs of territories rather than chaining territories
    22/11/2009    Designer - fixed Scenario mode bug not showing unit numbers when in fill mode
    22/11/2009    Designer - prevented borders from being deleted when clicking on a Territory in Border delete mode
    22/11/2009    Designer - 'Test Fill all territories' button added
    22/11/2009    Designer - 'Chain Mode' button added for switching between methods for adding multiple borders
    22/11/2009    Show ranking on join page
    22/11/2009    Fixed player rankings on board ranking and home pages

  12. #12 / 131
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    25/11/2009    Fixed bug where return to placement phase could not happen if player had zero reserves
    25/11/2009 Added game stats below Flash player on game view page (pending removal of stats from Player)
    25/11/2009 Engine - Fixed problem when territories and continents have unicode characters
    25/11/2009 Forum - added signatures and titles to preferences page (premium only)
    25/11/2009 Forum - replaced first smiley spinner with regular smiley
    25/11/2009 Player bar – don’t show hover info when player is only invited
    25/11/2009 Info page - territory bonuses showing wrongly should now be fixed
    25/11/2009 Random initial starting position bug fixed

    24/11/2009 Forums - included fix for thread unread icons
    24/11/2009 Engine - Added bonus units logging to gamelog
    24/11/2009 Updated board review page - now shows list of all current review games so reviewers can browse what's happening
    24/11/2009 Updated game messaging so board reviewers can comment on games even if they're not playing in them

    Edited Wed 25th Nov 05:49 [history]

  13. #13 / 131
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    26/11/2009    Group like cards together - cards are sorted on the card page
    26/11/2009    Cards tab turns green when you have a set and it shows the number of cards held on tab
    26/11/2009    Elimination box shows you what cards you have captured
    26/11/2009    General visual improvements - enabled background transparency and removed padding around top control areas
    26/11/2009    Fixed bug where auto attack/transfer would stop attacking when player had 4 units
    26/11/2009    Added 'card received' popup
    26/11/2009    Removed player color panel and info page - this now appears below the Player
    26/11/2009    Improved attack and fortify / transfer box positioning
    26/11/2009    Greyed out Place button when player has no units left to place if return to placement is enabled
    26/11/2009    Added option to turn board border on / off
    26/11/2009    Added option to define Player background color and turn transparency on / off
    26/11/2009    Max continent bonus increased to +- 200
    26/11/2009    Prevented board reviewers from being invited to their own review games
    26/11/2009    Added game stats refresh icon and view toggle link to info and game player page
    26/11/2009    Fixed bug where continent bonus values were not appearing on game player page
    26/11/2009    Premium member / Standard member tags on profile page
    26/11/2009    Updated titles in Forums so standard member just shows 'Standard Member' and premium member defaults to 'Premium Member' if unset
    26/11/2009    Allow authors to comment on public games played on their board designs
    26/11/2009    Boot options changed - removed Premium member protection for manual boots. Direct player boot option at 5x boot time added.

  14. #14 / 131
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    Busy couple of days Smile

    2/12/2009    Designer - Added support for color definition
    2/12/2009    Designer - Allow neutral capitals
    2/12/2009    Designer - Added nudge keys for up / down / left / right - works in Territory Add / Edit
    2/12/2009    Designer - Allowed movement of multiple territories at once
    2/12/2009    Designer - Borders can now be added in both directions with different types
    2/12/2009    Designer - Changed territory sprite to transparent reticule for both fill / non-fill mode
    2/12/2009    Designer - Fixed bug where the highlighted territory wasn't visible in Fill mode + Scenario view
    2/12/2009    Designer - Scenario mode - show highlighting of territories in fill mode
    2/12/2009    New Rule - Scenario - lock specified colors to seat numbers
    2/12/2009    New Rule - Scenario - allow players to pick colors
    2/12/2009    New Rule - Scenario - destroy unallocated capitals
    2/12/2009    New Rule - Scenario - lock seat order to scenario color order
    2/12/2009    New Rule - Only grant card if non-empty territory is captured
    2/12/2009    Fixed bug - last 2 units cannot attack 1 unit in this game: http://www.wargear.net/games/view/4633
    2/12/2009    Fixed bug - empty Neutral territories set in Scenario now remain empty (go Salem's Dusk!)
    2/12/2009    Fixed bug - games not showing up in My Games tab for Live/Live Not Eliminated filters when at Initial Placement phase
    2/12/2009    Fixed bug - board image preview not working correctly for gif images
    2/12/2009    Forum - fixed bug when Posts = Posts per Page + 1 you don't get the second page displayed until you click on the thread
    2/12/2009    Forum - players online list and new members at bottom of Forums front page
    2/12/2009    Updated game list display fields to show who won / lost
    2/12/2009    Updated Neutral Color to a darker grey and default grey to a darker grey
    2/12/2009    Removed close to white color from default color set for all boards
    2/12/2009    Added online icon to Player profile and to in-game message posts

    30/11/2009    Player - fixed elimination box bug where elimination bonus was showing incorrectly
    30/11/2009    Player - re-enabled Info tab
    30/11/2009    Fixed fog setting not appearing
    30/11/2009    Fixed bug in simultaneous placement mode where bonus units was calculated incorrectly
    30/11/2009    Player - Disabled History tab when rule setting 'Hide Game History' is turned on
    30/11/2009    Designer - Fixed bug when return key was not setting max territory units properly
    30/11/2009    Designer - Disabled player panel
    30/11/2009    Designer - Added Select All and Select Multiple buttons to Territory and Scenario editor tabs

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    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    3/12/2009    Fixed: Not getting emails when receiving a PM or Private Comms message
    3/12/2009    Fixed: sorting the Games Lists of a player by any column results in a link back to the player's profile with the Error: "No match found for player name in database"
    3/12/2009    Fixed: change to attack phase not allowed when return to placement phase is enabled and player has units to place.
    3/12/2009    Fixed: Allowed player to lose all units when abandon retain is on
    3/12/2009    Fixed: When statistics table is updated and changes size, window should now resize automatically to accomodate.
    3/12/2009    Fixed: List alignment problem in forums
    3/12/2009    Fixed: Preview page with quote not appearing correctly
    3/12/2009    Fixed: Board description field data getting dropped UTF error
    3/12/2009    Added column to the Finished games page which has the time the game the game finished
    3/12/2009    Added unread post icons to thread
    3/12/2009    Added a counter telling how many areas have been selected in Territory Select mode
    3/12/2009    Added a random button to randomly select territories in Territory Select mode
    3/12/2009    Updated styling of PMs pages
    3/12/2009    Migrated Player Info back into Flash Player. Fixed a couple of bugs in the display of this and added tooltip so long continent bonus strings are readable
    3/12/2009    Added setting to allow turning off / on of player info below board image in Player.

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    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    7/12/2009    Fixed bug where card escalation was showing on game info page even when cards were turned off
    7/12/2009    Fixed bug where Head2Head page and sort links weren't working properly
    7/12/2009    Updated forum code where post was timestamped with the time the editor was started, not the submit time
    7/12/2009    Fixed bug where jumping to unread post didn't work when unread post was the first one on a new page
    7/12/2009    Allow declining of private and review games
    7/12/2009    Circle mode boards have been blocked from submission to Live
    7/12/2009    Fixed bug where Neutral Capitals were counting as scenario seats when checking for sufficient scenario seats at start of game

    7/12/2009    Added options column to game list views
    7/12/2009    Added invited games to the Home page and 'My Turn' lists (also updates 'turns waiting' counter'
    7/12/2009    Remove all boot time options and renamed to Turn Limit. Boot Type is now set to AutoSkip for all Public games. Only Private games can now set boot type
    7/12/2009    Added new Lightning game speeed
    7/12/2009    Updated game join / create / list styling
    7/12/2009    Added games per page option to Settings->Preferences
    7/12/2009    Added boot history to profile page
    7/12/2009    Style update for game create / join / list pages

  17. #17 / 131
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    11/12/2009 Designer: updated to show warning message that Live boards are not supported if Circle mode is selected
    11/12/2009 Player: Fixed bug where at forced end of turn it was still possible to attack or fortify if that was your last phase (even though game engine blocked this)
    11/12/2009 Player: Changed datagrid in Info tab to display multiple rows if continent data extends that far
    11/12/2009 Player: Negative bonuses display a '+' in front of them, so a -50 space shows as +-50 in the Player Info boxes.
    11/12/2009 Player: I'd like to see the History tab be available at the end of a game, even if the setting is Off.
    11/12/2009 Player: Fixed bug where on a foggy board, random territory select doesn't work - http://www.wargear.net/games/player/4807
    11/12/2009 Player: Placement phase A for place all, 1-9 for placement counts
    11/12/2009 Player: Increased unit loss animation box size to prevent clipping
    11/12/2009 Player: Show dice roll info for longer (10s)
    11/12/2009 Player: Don't display info bar for Standard players
    11/12/2009 Player: fixed attack box positioning bug
    11/12/2009 Player: When Territory Selection is on, don't populate info bar with bonus information
    11/12/2009 Player: Added History mode log view button / popup
    11/12/2009 Designer: Fixed bug where adding a new color broke the indexing
    11/12/2009 Designer: Fixed enter key shortcut working in wrong places
    11/12/2009 Added page number to bottom of listthreads page
    11/12/2009 Fixed formatting of premium membership signup page
    11/12/2009 Capitalised fortification type on Rules page and added recent rule additions
    11/12/2009 Changed neutrals calculation to balance player territories so each player gets the same number of territories

    9/12/2009 Added invites games list to front page
    9/12/2009 Fixed bug not allowing use of cards if player received zero bonus units
    9/12/2009 Fixed for the 10,000 trillionth time forum jump to post bug
    9/12/2009 After Declining a game, the Join game button still appears, but does nothing. Kind of confusing.
    9/12/2009 Unlimited Dev / Review games allowed for standard members
    9/12/2009 Boot time warning for Lightning games on Join page
    9/12/2009 Block sending PMs but allowing reading of PMs for Standard accounts
    9/12/2009 Updated logic for calculating number of neutrals to one which scales with the number of players
    9/12/2009 Fixed send notification when player posts on wall
    9/12/2009 Fixed send notification of secret in-game message

    Edited Thu 10th Dec 15:50 [history]

  18. #18 / 131
    Premium Member Yertle
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    Awesome work tom! Lots of great fixes!

    Yertle is here.

  19. #19 / 131
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    A few small updates recently, been moving country!

    18/12/2009    Fixed bug when forced to turn in cards in a game with Return to placement
    18/12/2009    Fixed My Games tab defaulting back to other views when sorting columns when you are viewing turns waiting link
    18/12/2009    If board image has been deleted, show an error on the game view page
    18/12/2009    Allow designers to quit review games
    17/12/2009    Fixed bug in AutoSkipping code for simultaneous placement boards which was holding up automatic turn skipping / booting processes
    13/12/2009    Player - Fixed bug where artillery borders did not display when attacking fogged territories
    13/12/2009    Dev / Submitted games should now show up in the Game List view from the board designer page.
    13/12/2009    Fixed disparity between board gamecounts and reality due to recalc of game stats
    13/12/2009    Fixed bug where gamelist stated 'Showing games 1 to 0 of 0'

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    20/12/2009    Player: Disabled the 0 button and keyboard shortcut are for all fortifies
    20/12/2009    Player: Disabled the A button and keyboard shortcut when the target territory is already at it's maximum unitcount
    20/12/2009    Player: When placing units onto a territory with a max unitcount set, fill territory to max units if selected amount exceeds territory max
    20/12/2009    Player: Added checks to support maximum unit overloading of territories via scenario
    20/12/2009    Blocked zero unit transfers in the game engine

    19/12/2009    Fixed problem with starting scenario neutrals causing player positions to be overriden with neutrals in some circumstances
    19/12/2009    Allowed hosts to delete Lightning mode games and any time during the Join phase
    19/12/2009    Added filters to game review pages
    19/12/2009    Updated game list to block player elimination / boot information for foggy games

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