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Per the thread..

It appears as if when two continents point at a single factory where one is Universal and another is AutoCapture, the factory territory is Captured.. It doesn't seem to matter what the values of the bonuses are ..or the order of execution.

In the above diagram, Abandon is OFF and T4 starts the turn owned by an opponent or Neutral. T1 is a Universal Continent, and T2 is an AutoCapture Continent

If a player owns T1 and T2, T4 will always be captured and have 1 unit.

One might think that if T1 fires first, it would bring T4 down to 1 unit (without changing ownership) and then T2 would AutoCapture and put 5 units on T4

Is this the intended behavior? If so, should it work this way?

proving_grounds/proving_grounds/universal_vs_autocapture_hierarchy.1382794392.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/10 22:50 (external edit)