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Review Board Criteria and Protocols

The process of Board Review is one of a subjective nature. Though not common, neither is it rare for there to be an area of a board's design that is debated. This page is meant to help all parties (both reviewers and board submitters) negotiate the process by better defining the site's standards. Here is the WarGear help page concerning the Review Process.


The Review Board's primary function is to ensure that a minimum standard of quality is met before boards become 'live' on wargear. Secondary goals and considerations include making the experience a positive one for the designer and improving the map during the review process.


WarGear Standards use the IEEE style guide for standards. “Shall” is used to define a requirement that if not satisfied will prevent the board from going live. “Should” is used to suggest a best practice, but is not an automatic disqualification. See the Talk Page for more details.


  • Boards should have at least one dev game (usually more, sometimes many more) played on them before being submitted for review.
  • Boards shall have a completed Description section and Wiki page.


  • No ambiguous boundaries or continents.
    • Borders and Continents should be clear from the board image.
    • Continents should have a mini-map, or continent values on the map itself, or a simple mnemonic, or some other easy way to find or remember the members and value of all continents without having to go back to the map description or wiki page.
  • Single Layer boards shall not have stray pixels around edges, etc.
  • Boards should be dual layer.
    • Designers are welcome to use single layer and circle mode for personal use, development, and/or proof of concept.

Game Play

  • Should not have a tendency toward crab games. Some quick fixes:
    • Increase Fog (maybe add some view borders also if medium fog seems like too much)
    • More valuable cards.
    • Make eliminations more valuable - card capture on, increase elimination bonus.
    • Increase bottlenecks
    • Create 'super continents', or collector bonus continents.



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designer_workshop/review_board_criteria.1377633276.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/26 09:33 (external edit)