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kofi annon kofi annon is offline now
Rank Lieutenant Lieutenant
Membership Type Premium
Player #8884
Joined WarGear 23rd Mar 2011
Last Visit 26th Jul 2024 19:35
Country United States
Championship Points 9 (#310)
Global Ranking Score 1161 (#1399)
Monthly Score 937
Team Score 950
H Rating 52%
Average turn time 10 hours 56m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 0 (9)
Elimination Streak (Best) 0 (11)
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  • Marine (Play 1000 Public Games)
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Pages:   1   (1 in total)
14th Apr 2015 13:30
Message from Wonder Woman
#19 of 19
25th Jun 2014 19:47
Message from drowzdrewz
in our civil war tourney... if u move all ur troops east into pitt i will not att u... then u keep ur +2 bonus in pitt an i can take +2 bonus for territories, works for both of us w no loss of armies on either side.
#18 of 19
19th Dec 2013 15:10
Message from perchy22
kofi I am sorry but I did help bsmera. we had a deal that I would help him with Greenland and he would leave me alone in south America but of course he did not hold up his end of the deal so I am gunning for him now and will not attack you until he is eliminated
#17 of 19
30th Sep 2013 11:03
Message from velthouse
I am not a premium member. Right now i busted up Austrailia. I have SA. White had just taken it away from me last turn. Let me know where you want me to try and clear out.
#16 of 19
20th Aug 2013 05:36
Message from Teamster
Congrats! I hope you like the trophy.
#15 of 19
29th Nov 2012 13:04
Message from wurzel133
if soleas out why is it his turn?
#14 of 19
29th Nov 2012 13:02
Message from wurzel133
i agree but waiting to here
#13 of 19
29th Nov 2012 09:29
Message from Kav
didnt see any game.... maybe it started. next time ;)
#12 of 19
28th Nov 2012 11:45
Message from Kav
was gr8 playing with u dude... gg.
#11 of 19
17th Aug 2012 13:01
Message from Knosken
If you suicide against bmind in that Biggy Boggy Hoggy Woggy Poggy Froggy I will laugh for days
#10 of 19
15th Mar 2012 17:25
Message from Battle Prawn
The Cook Islands were my undisclosed location. I guess I've gone and disclosed it now.
#9 of 19
9th Feb 2012 02:59
Message from orango
kofi, you gonna get your first trophy! (of course thanks to my help, just kidding, well kinda)
#8 of 19
4th Dec 2011 15:23
Message from norlingk
Thanks for the tourney invites, but I haven't done well in ants games....
#7 of 19
2nd Dec 2011 03:42
Message from orango
And by the way, your win record against me aint that bad
#6 of 19
2nd Dec 2011 03:42
Message from orango
Hey kofi, stop jaberin about how you gonna win against weathertop and win, we got a game in round 7 of carol 8 or whatever and I can feel that trophy dangling around my neck
#5 of 19
30th Jun 2011 08:59
Message from Battle Prawn
Senor Bandito, I can't join your tournament, due to my inexperience. It says I have to hav finished five games first. See you in Valhalla.
#4 of 19
21st May 2011 02:56
Message from orango
Ericococococo, what up, you jumpin ship? not completely i bet
#3 of 19
18th Apr 2011 23:01
Message from bdf101
Don't trust anything you see NewlyIdle say in the games. At a point where we were even, he wrote "All yours, bfd101. GG" It's not done yet, but if you guys want to check the history once it's finished, the link is http://www.wargear.net/games/player/60037
#2 of 19
28th Mar 2011 22:45
Message from Wonder Woman
Back at you cuz!! I invited you to a tournament. and I will set us up for a game so you can start rolling!!! Welcome aboard. You're going to love this site!! MJ
#1 of 19
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