228 Open Daily games
8 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for KillDawg


Pages:   123   (3 in total)
Thu 29th Mar 14:46
Axes and Allies rated  Superb
With a fresh pool of players, (and sometimes without,) this never gets old.
#7 of 47
Thu 29th Mar 14:45
Australian Risk rated  Fair
#6 of 47
Thu 29th Mar 14:30
Atomic Transporters rated  Great
Seems fair regardless of player total; so far.
#5 of 47
Thu 29th Mar 14:29
Assassin rated  Good
Crowded, quick, covert-ish
#4 of 47
Thu 29th Mar 14:27
Antastic! rated  Good
Lopsided with more players mid-game
#3 of 47
Thu 29th Mar 14:26
Across The Great Divide rated  Average
Choppy, in a progress way
#2 of 47
Thu 29th Mar 14:25
4Play rated  Good
intentionally quick, therefore, relevent
#1 of 47
Pages:   123   (3 in total)