184 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Chele Nica


Pages:   123456   (6 in total)
Thu 2nd Feb 08:21
War of the Titans rated  Superb
This is a great board, and I believe my initial assessment of the board being unbalanced was mistaken. I like the way the bonuses and attacks work with Titans, Ships & Sea Serpents, and when you play with a large group it pays to focus on eliminations and trading cards, that can hold the key to victory even if you're not in the lead in the game
#64 of 104
Thu 2nd Feb 08:17
Reef rated  Perfect
Different strategies depending on whether you're playing 2-person, 4-person or more.

First of all, I love the layout, Korrun did a good job of making a visually appealing board. Secondly, there are many possibilities for action, as the board is larger than it appears at first glance.

A key decision to make is about when you attack a capital (if you don't alredy start with one), since you need to go through a shark to do so, and the more sharks you hold, the more their negative multipliers affect your beginning of turn bonuses. If succesful at capturing and holding a capital, the factory production from this may offset the negative bonuses from sharks, but this all depends on what else you own (specially how many sharks you have). And capitals are very hard to take from an enemy, as they have heavy dice defensive advantage.

Fun game, this is one of my favorites!
#63 of 104
Thu 2nd Feb 08:15
Pang Age rated  Good
Anything with dinosaurs has to be fun. However, I don't like the lack of balance on the board for 3-player games. If you're stuck with more territories in the middle, it's hard to recover from attacks coming from both north and south. Still, fun board for a 2 person duel or for 4-6 players.
#62 of 104
Thu 2nd Feb 08:11
Silmarillion rated  Great
This board shows many of Thingol's strengths as a map-maker: Nice layout, attention to detail, unique attack and defend dice, and well-balanced board. It also doesn't take too long to figure out, so newcomers don't have a very steep learning curve to master this game. I generally prefer boards with over 100 territories, but this one plays well with a large group of people.
#61 of 104
Thu 2nd Feb 08:04
Quantum Entanglement rated  Superb
Great dueling board! I've only played one game on it, but enjoyed the very unique way that the board produces factories for each player. Will have to study this a bit more to be able to get better at it and win against some of the more experienced players
#60 of 104
Thu 2nd Feb 08:02
Hills and Dales rated  Great
Have only played 1 game on this board, but it has a strong gameplay and unique strategy. I look forward to playing more games and will add more here once I do.
#59 of 104
Thu 2nd Feb 08:00
Koprulu Yamato rated  Great
Pretty interesting gameplay, this is a unique design and a fun board to play. There are several strategies to win, and even when you think you have a strong position, you could be undermined by a daring or well-executed attack.

Having played and watched the histories of 3-game contests, I would advise to stay away from these, as the layout is not balanced for the 3 players (2 players end up on same corner). Best to stick with 6-player games on this board
#58 of 104
Tue 31st Jan 21:26
Ten - Propagate rated  Perfect
I was just recently introduced to this board, but it's quickly becoming one of my favorites, as it's a pure strategy board. The game-play does take some time to learn, and it's important to note that the propagation happens only to territories you control, not to all surrounding territories (as misstated in the rules). Looking forward to some more games on it!
#57 of 104
Tue 31st Jan 21:24
Warp rated  Good
I played a game on it and was creamed, so I may improve my review once I win a game. However, I don't love the layout, and it seems too hard to recover from a bad start
#56 of 104
Tue 31st Jan 21:21
Spy vs Spy rated  Superb
Wow, this one is an interesting one, and brings back fond memories as we played a real time tourney on it. Would love to get some more games going on it now that I'm starting to understand the strategy
#55 of 104
Tue 31st Jan 21:16
Rescue rated  Good
I'm a runner, and in general games that are about racing to the finish. However, neither this board nor Dungeon Quest have been among my favorites, I guess because it seems like luck plays a big role in your ability to get to your goal first. Nice layout, but not one of my favorites
#54 of 104
Tue 31st Jan 21:13
Eden rated  Good
I didn't love this board, though I can see its appeal. I prefer boards with more territories and that favor an aggressive style, and this one is just not the type I enjoy playing
#53 of 104
Wed 21st Dec 13:55
Iwo Jima rated  Perfect
Great strategy game. I'm a slow learner, so even after a few games I still don't have an effective attack strategy for either army. Great way to learn military strategy regarding this historical battle.

I'm revising my review and giving this perfect rating. I still haven't become very good at this map, but I think it's one of the best on the site
#52 of 104
Mon 10th Oct 09:07
Diatoms rated  Average
I didn't like the game play on this board, but I need to play it more to get the hang of it. As with most boards, you don't want to start accumulating hordes in the center, as you will be squeezed out by the other players. It is a unique and beautiful board, I may revise my review after playing some more games on it
#51 of 104
Mon 26th Sep 10:38
Wargate SG-1 rated  Good
I like the board visually, and the concept is excellent. However, this game requires a lot of thinking about what bonuses to attack on each turn, and plays like a light fog game, so it can lead to players ganging up on the strongest player
#50 of 104
Mon 26th Sep 10:14
Day at the Races rated  Good
Interesting hordes map, after playing a number of games, I'm getting the hang of it, but I feel a lot depends on initial setup and where you are in the order of players. Maybe I'll change my mind on this with some more games
#49 of 104
Mon 26th Sep 10:08
Merge Sort rated  Great
I think it's a great board, with a unique bonus structure and open to many different strategies. I have only tried one sort option, I look forward to checking out some of the other scenarios. I would prefer if the default wasn't set to light fog, but that's an easy enough thing to change when you create a new game.
#48 of 104
Tue 13th Sep 19:00
Capture the Flag rated  Good
I liked it. Interesting game for 2 v 2 team play, but can be good for individual games as well.
#47 of 104
Tue 30th Aug 18:16
Seven Redux rated  Superb
Both the original Seven and Seven Redux have a significant luck element with initial placement of territories, but after that it is all strategy. It does take a few games to pick up on how to best work this board, but it continues to be a learning process, despite the apparent simplicity of the board.

A few key tips: Keep track of both players' total territories at every turn, you are not limited to fortifications from your base territory (though fortifying from base is recommended almost all the time), and try to gain access to the center of the board if you are able to and if it doesn't impede accessing your or opponents' territories. Also, try to force opponent into giving up more territories than they anticipated, or into not being able to fortify from their base territory.

This is by far one of my favorite boards!
#46 of 104
Tue 30th Aug 09:03
Seven rated  Superb
This is the original Seven board, and has a neat finish with the swordsmen making the final blow. Some tips: try to control the center if possible, seek to advance as much as possible early in the game, prevent other player from getting on "your" side (which can be the left/right and/or top/bottom of board), and always keep an eye on how many pieces both you and your opponent have. You can have great control of the board, and still lose because your opponent got to 23 before you did, Great strategy board!
#45 of 104
Pages:   123456   (6 in total)