196 Open Daily games
4 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Amidon37


Pages:   12   (2 in total)
Tue 14th Nov 07:16
Moon Base rated  Perfect
It is a joy to play as the graphics are quite nice.

Play is standard, but has a number of small continents to allow multiple starting places. Some have a quirky layout - which is fun.
#24 of 24
Tue 5th Jan 13:22
Fortress rated  Perfect
I love this board. Great use of capitals (though I have seen a few players not realize they were capitals when taken) and also great use of artillery borders and dice modifiers. I love the symmetry too so that that each side of the board plays the same way. And of course the graphics are very pleasant to look at. All around good stuff.
#23 of 24
Wed 26th Nov 14:59
Balance rated  Perfect
Wonderful concept, graphics and execution.

Takes time to understand the inner borders, but they make sense after some study.
#22 of 24
Thu 26th Jan 22:18
Anarchy rated  Good
Love the graphics - very jealous - wish I could draw boards like this -
#21 of 24
Wed 25th Jan 09:02
Very cool board.

The graphics are a bit hard to see what you are shooting at in some cases, but the hover label shows it for you.
#20 of 24
Tue 24th Jan 20:30
Go-Geared rated  Great
A great board for those of us interested in diceless games (think chess or checkers).

Go for the 1 sided dice version though, I don't think the 8 sided versions add anything to the game
#19 of 24
Sat 10th Dec 22:07
For the Love of Smurf rated  Superb
This smurfy board is "Superb" if you know what you are getting into, otherwise you could very smurfy well think it is "Abysmal". Strategy and gameplay are smurfy different than standard Risk - and can be smurfy frustrating - due to the 5 limit on 'shrooms and the lopsided attacks against them. Using smurfy reserves wisely is a must.

And as an '80's child the cartoon show and theme is permanently etched into my brain.

My one annoyance with the board is the paths - many turns you have to plan out a walk through the paths to keep the other players from getting a big territory bonus.
#18 of 24
Mon 13th Jun 11:37
Ancient Isles of Kjeldor rated  Superb
Doesn't play like any other board.
#17 of 24
Sat 11th Jun 22:12
Rockem Sockem rated  Superb
I don't understand Simulgear strategy on other boards, but I get it here and love it.
#16 of 24
Sat 11th Jun 22:06
Connect Some rated  Poor
Should be a fun little board. Cramchackle has done better graphics then this, but they get the job done. Game play is unique - with abandon and revert to neutral immediately you feel like you are shifting your chips around.
However - the board calls for going all out right away and the dice will determine who wins - and quickly.
#15 of 24
Tue 7th Jun 21:50
German WarGear rated  Great
Great board that leads to good games. The only real drawback is the colors between the countries can get lost if the person owning the continent is that color.
#14 of 24
Thu 7th Apr 11:10
Dnaleri rated  Great
All the pieces fit together well.
#13 of 24
Sun 27th Mar 14:28
Fallout rated  Superb
Unique game play + wonderful graphics = awesome board.

The capital does detract though - it seems unnecessary.
#12 of 24
Wed 9th Mar 12:17
Arm Wrestle rated  Superb
This board plays with your head. Not having history drives me nuts, but it is appropriate for this board.
#11 of 24
Wed 23rd Feb 20:35
SimCity rated  Great
I like it. The size, the continents and the connections between territories works well.
#10 of 24
Thu 10th Feb 17:25
Lord Of Destruction rated  Superb
Best map going for large numbers of players. A lot of small touches built in (25 unit max, the orbs, the skulls, 40 units around the amulets) that add up to a great playing board.
#9 of 24
Tue 25th Jan 22:16
Neverland rated  Great
Love this board. The "flying" and abandonment together changes the standard strategies in an interesting way. Well drawn also.
One sour note for me is I think flying over water should carry the same penalty as flying over land - if the territories on both sides of the river can be attacked from each other, why have the river?
#8 of 24
Wed 12th Jan 22:24
3-Legged Race rated  Superb
This is a great example that shows how really different boards on this site can be. Having the race to capitals is a great game mechanic that turns an interesting map to fight on into a delicate balance. Deciding whether to attack the capital or fight for the triangles is a fun dilemma to work through.

I generally dislike 3 player games on all maps, but not this one.
#7 of 24
Thu 24th Jun 00:34
Agree with everything RiskyBack said - except that I haven't tried a team game yet so I will take his word.
#6 of 24
Wed 23rd Jun 23:21
Bloom rated  Superb
Clean, straight-ahead board. Nice graphics. Neutrals are used well to segregate the territories until someone knocks them down. Fights for the center can be interesting also. Cards grow a bit too fast for my taste.
#5 of 24
Pages:   12   (2 in total)