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  1. #1 / 10
    Standard Member agentphoenix
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    I read a post that was from a while back, c. 2011. It had brought up the site's API which was responded to with, " It's not yet public, but it will be ". I haven't been able to find any more information on the matter. I was just wondering if the site truly had a Public API now, and where I could find it if so. 


    TL;DR: Does Wargear have a public API, and where can I find it? 

  2. #2 / 10
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    Damn that search function!

    There is a REST API but it's not Public yet - but only in the sense that it's not been documented. I've been looking at a tool for auto-documenting this.

    What sort of thing are you interested in it for? 

  3. #3 / 10
    Enginerd weathertop
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    what is API and why do we care?

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  4. #4 / 10
    Standard Member agentphoenix
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    Tom, Thank you for replying! 


    I am just looking to create a sort of auto informer that can report to an IRC channel, or skype room or something. 

    I know the site has a lot of options to remind people it's their turn, but it requires either getting a lot of emails, or being constantly logged into the site. As this can't always be done, I was just looking for a way to inform my friends on a turn by turn basis who's turn it is. 

    Fairly simple, but I am in no means in a giant rush to get it all sorted out, just the boredom kicking in, looking to entertain myself :)


    Thank you for the reply!

  5. #5 / 10
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
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    An API is an "Applications Programming Interface".    It's a way for other programs to interact with wargear.  The API defines what functionality WarGear exposes to the outside world. 


    I also would be interested in an API.  From a map makers perspective I would find it extremely useful to be able to query wargear about the history of public games played on my maps.   I can think of tons of custom statistics that  I would like to compile to help me make my maps more fun and more balanced. 

    If the API did allow me to do that, I would try and make a public front end to whatever tools I create to allow other mapmakers to also benefit.

  6. #6 / 10
    Colonel M57 M57 is offline now
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    Ozyman wrote:

    If the API did allow me to do that, I would try and make a public front end to whatever tools I create to allow other mapmakers to also benefit.

    I have no clue what it all means, but I'm gonna give it a +1.

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  7. #7 / 10
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
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    What I'm imagining is a web page I would make where you type in your map name and scenario, check off some things, maybe fill in some text boxes, and click 'go', and it comes back in a minute with a bunch of plots and statistics. 

    For myself - I'd like to see in invention which of the 4 civs wins most often, or which wins least often & how big a difference.  With the existing charting, I can see which seat wins, but that doesn't correspond to civ side. 

    I'd also like to see, how often does the winner (or someone) else get a specific territory before the game is over. 

    Or I'd like to see, once a certain territory is taken, how many rounds does the game last after that.


    I imagine once I get the basic framework done, we'd think of lots of stats we'd all love to know about our maps.

  8. #8 / 10
    Standard Member ratsy
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    Agentpheonix: I'm sure your looking for something more invloved, but I love this extension for telling me it's my turn:


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    Edited Thu 6th Mar 22:11 [history]

  9. #9 / 10
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    The API documentation is live - there's only a few functions there but the Game List one should help you.

    If you need anything else let me know - there's plenty of other API calls that I need to document around game interaction so if someone is interested in writing code that directly controls player game actions I can prioritise that.

    A quick word about authentication - this is based off browser cookies at the moment. If required I can set up other forms of auth.

    See 'API' link in the page footer for more.

    Edited Thu 3rd Apr 13:16 [history]

  10. #10 / 10
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
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    Thanks for this Tom, I can't wait to check it out.

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