185 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.67 out of 10 based on 6 ratings

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27 Aug 2018
Reviewed by SillyBastard  Perfect
I wish more knew how to play
#6 of 6
11 Dec 2015
Reviewed by AKeeFa  Great
Have you thought of opening the southern factories to anyone being able to capture them?
Perhaps another board option 'Open factories' or something like that. Happy to give it a test with you sometime SG!
#5 of 6
4 Dec 2014
Reviewed by psilofyr  Great
Really well done - only complaint is that sometimes it seems like the roles of each power and the accompanying strategy ends up being too rigidly defined. Of course that might just be my own limitations as a strategist.
#4 of 6
25 Jan 2014
Reviewed by WalkTheLine  Superb
Really enjoyed this board.
#3 of 6
12 Jan 2014
Reviewed by ratsy  Superb
This is a fantastic adaptation of Axis and Allies, and is very well balanced and put together.

Get a couple of good simulgear capable Teammates together and you can look forward to a heck of a lot of fun!

It'd be perfect, but the overall visual appeal is not my style.

Gameplay is awesome!
#2 of 6
1 Jan 2014
Reviewed by Ajaxx  Great
Fun strategic game. Developer Squintgnome has done a good job dealing with lots of tricky pathing issues.
#1 of 6