188 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.67 out of 10 based on 6 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


4 Jan 2023
Reviewed by Templaribus  Perfect
Incredible how a simple-looking gameplay can lead to so many ways of winning (and losing haha)!!! I've played many times and so far see no way of getting bored. Very fun board! The designer found a very creative way of bringing action to those expressive drawings by Seuss.
When playing this, you need to pay attention to the 3 attacks and 1 fortify rules. Be creative, try to anticipate your opponent moves and take risks!
#7 of 7
19 Apr 2021
Reviewed by jungkerl  Great
Great board
#6 of 7
24 Dec 2012
Reviewed by 3EyedTitan  Superb
The combination of total fog, artillery attacks, crucial bonuses, and limited attacks/fortifies makes this a strategic and fun 1v1 showdown.
#5 of 7
12 Dec 2012
Reviewed by Jigler  Fair
As far as the theme goes, i love it. I probably need to play more in order to more accurately rate, but for now i'll say it's a fair board. I like duels, and i like Seuss, but this board seems a little too limited and streamlined.
#4 of 7
20 Sep 2012
Reviewed by Rhowin Unrated
Great board!
#3 of 7
18 Aug 2012
Reviewed by Ozyman  Great
Great fun duel board. Fairly simple to figure out, but lots of ways to win.
#2 of 7
28 Jun 2012
Reviewed by selvatiloco  Average
Interesting, but not too great!
#1 of 7