202 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.25 out of 10 based on 4 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


5 Mar 2014
Reviewed by kofi annon  Good
I find it hard to figure out. Maybe I would like it more if I won?
#4 of 4
12 Dec 2012
Reviewed by Jigler  Great
This is a good one. Complex for sure, but a solid dueling board. Graphics look nice, gameplay give many options. Seems to be more difficult to win as the bad guys though.
#3 of 4
31 Oct 2012
Reviewed by Ceggon  Superb
I want to like this board, but the mechanics are confusing and the obscured history makes it impossible to figure out how the game has resolved. I've had several games where I've gone from a seemingly good position to eliminated in one turn, and haven't been able to determine why.

Complicated mechanics are ok if you can learn by playing and reviewing the history. The fog of war continuing beyond the end of the game is just frustrating.

Additional note: It appears the history is not intentionally obscured, rather that the site isn't processing the history correctly. I'm going to this the rating I think it deserves absent the history issue...and keep playing to figure this bad boy out.
#2 of 4
15 Aug 2012
Reviewed by Thingol  Superb
Well-balanced, nice graphics and a fun map to play on either side. What's not to like? Steep initial learning curve, I guess. One finds new avenues of attack/fortify each game.
#1 of 4