182 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Jigler


Pages:   12345678   (8 in total)
Thu 6th Dec 20:54
I really like this board's concept and idea. However, maybe i just can't quite grasp it because even after several games, i still feel somewhat lost about exactly what everything does and about strategy. Sure is a great idea though, and i've enjoyed my games on it!
#126 of 146
Thu 6th Dec 20:50
Crossword rated  Average
Good crossword style map. Well designed. Nothing flashy with graphics or anything. Solid large board though.
#125 of 146
Thu 6th Dec 20:47
Rent is Due Again rated  Fair
This board is pretty good. Looks fine, plays fine. Really simple.
#124 of 146
Thu 6th Dec 20:45
Invention rated  Perfect
As hesitant as i am to give a perfect score, this board is awesome. I have been wanting to do this kind of thing for a long time, and it is great. Really expands the options every turn and changes strategy. Well executed, good look, great concept. Not the simplest board for beginners though.
#123 of 146
Wed 3rd Oct 17:58
New Earth rated  Superb
Love the look of this board, not too flashy, but nice and crisp and good to look at. Gameplay is the focus though, and i love it when a gameplay focused board looks this nice. The mechanics are awesome. Very original and intriguing ideas that promote unique strategy. If you don't read the description, you'll be toast, but it's not too difficult to understand either. This board is absolutely brilliant.
#122 of 146
Wed 11th Jul 23:50
Fantastica rated  Average
I definitely need to play a hordes version, as beautiful as this board is, it just seemed too difficult to establish a base. I think i might really like the hordes version so i'll give it a go. Still definitely a board worth playing!
#121 of 146
Wed 11th Jul 23:46
Pipeline rated  Great
Lots of fun! simple board, nice concept, looks awesome!
#120 of 146
Wed 11th Jul 23:45
Battle for New York rated  Poor
Not so hot in my opinion. Bland gameplay and graphics. My game stalled for quite a bit too.
#119 of 146
Thu 28th Jun 12:37
Wargate Atlantis rated  Good
I like this board for this awesome graphics; they're phenomenal. It is a little difficult to see what attacks where and what's going on at first, but it's not too hard.
#118 of 146
Thu 28th Jun 12:33
There Will Be Blood rated  Great
This board is very original, fun, and interesting! The factory style bonuses being used as digging for oil is brilliant, and the gameplay on the surface is fun as well. Graphics are beautiful. I look forward to many more games on this board!
#117 of 146
Thu 28th Jun 12:32
Expanding Europe rated  Fair
not my favorite, but nothing too bad. Graphics are basic, gameplay is simple. may make for some fun team play though.
#116 of 146
Thu 28th Jun 12:28
Civil War rated  Perfect
I'm hesitant to give out a perfect 10, but i just love this board. It is by far the best U.S. board i've ever seen. Great for team play or large free-for-all games. Looks fantastic, great use of cities, ships, rivers and mountains. Awesome.
#115 of 146
Thu 28th Jun 12:23
Hordes of Africa rated  Good
Solid board, i'm not crazy about it (probably 'cause i'm bad at it), but it looks great and plays well.
#114 of 146
Thu 28th Jun 12:21
Global Warfare rated  Average
not much to say, I like the scenario option, I like Risk
#113 of 146
Fri 15th Jun 12:15
Random Mazes rated  Great
I'm not one to rate maze boards very high, just due to their simplicity and lack of graphic appeal. This one falls in line with this description as well. The reason i'm bumping this one up to 8 stars is due to the variety of scenarios. Want to play a maze board? This is your one-stop-shop.
#112 of 146
Fri 15th Jun 12:11
War of the Ring rated  Great
Such a tough design, but pulled off very well. To balance this style board is a very difficult task. Love the team play and bonus structure. similar to A&A but on Middle-Earth (which always makes things better. awesome board!
#111 of 146
Fri 15th Jun 12:07
Tanks rated  Fair
I hate to be the first review of this board and only give a 5. The graphics are simple but fine. Gameplay is unique and works well. This board just isn't for me, not my style. I'm not big on heavy use of artillery boarders, but if you are this is the board for you! it's all about how well you can defend against and attack with artillery.
#110 of 146
Fri 15th Jun 12:03
Resident Wargear rated  Fair
there is such a spread on opinion to this board that you need to play it for yourself. I like the theme and design, but the board always plays so fast that i never really feel like i experienced it. Maybe when i win a game i'll feel more comfortable with it.
#109 of 146
Fri 15th Jun 12:01
Moon Base rated  Superb
I was very pleased when i saw that this board had made it over to Wargear, I love the design. Graphics are very nice and gameplay is simple and fun. Nice theme, well balanced. Pretty much a normal "map-board" in gameplay, but the graphics make it seem very unique!
#108 of 146
Fri 15th Jun 11:58
The Maze rated  Average
Just what i'd expect from an average maze map. Simple graphics and a nice layout. Nothing really to comment on; no complaints and no praises.
#107 of 146
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