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Minimum Member Count (..or Factory Combinations)

This feature would give designers the ability to have the Player recognize combinations of members. A specific # territories from a given continent would be necessary for a continent/factory to fill.

The feature would require only two addition fields (I think): “Members Required” and “Exact/Overfill”.

Example 1:

Goal: Holding any 5 of the the 10 North American Territories triggers a factory or bonus.
Solution: This would currently require 10C5 = 126 Factories, and the bonus would scale uncontrollably holding 6 or more, but could be accomplished with a single factory, “Members Required = 5” and “Overfill.” The Exact/Overfill field allows specific and non-linear (even random) control over scaling.

Example 2:

Goal Holding 5 North American Territories yields a bonus of 1
6 yields 1
7 yields 3
8 yields 4
9 yields 6

Solution requires only 4 factories Members Required, Exact/Overfill
6, Exact
7, Exact
8, Exact
9, Exact

I don't think the above solution can be achieved with the current system because of the scaling, but even if it could, it would require at least 250 Factories.

==== Example 3: ==== To get a factory to fill when any 13 of 25 given territories is held (I.e. 25C13) would require over 5 million factories.

Benefits and Features:

* Using the current system, because of overlap, Even if you did create the 126 or 5 million factories, the effects of the resulting bonus scale would make them untenable in the first place.
* The feature does not have to be limited to factories. Any continent type could be eligible, including the standard in-hand bonus type.

designer_workshop/proposed/minimum_member_count.1402233309.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/08 09:15 by M57