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Card 'Member'ship

When cards are 'cashed' they act as 'members' of factories..

With the feature Enabled - cards become decoupled so they can be cashed individually, and are registered in the continent/factory list so that they can be continent 'members.'


  1. Puts units in specific places. Examples..
    1. Admiral cards put units on ships or at sea
    2. General cards put 'em on land
    3. Food in put the granary
    4. Artillery card put ammo in cannons
    5. Zombies card make, well ..zombies appear in the kitchen etc.
  2. Creates Hidden Objectives
    1. Just as territories depicted on regular risk cards encourage players to capture certain territories. That functionality can easily be duplicated.
  3. Let cards control factories in any creative way a designer wants.
    1. Transport armies
    2. Spy cards Lift fog
    3. Traitor cards steal territories (AutoCapture)
    4. Open Doors (AutoCapture)
    5. Close Doors (AutoNeutral)
    6. Combine with other cards or territories owned as members to get desired results.

Currently cards can only be played at the beginning of your turn, which is great for a start, but with a 'back to cash' feature enabled, they could be cashed in the middle of a turn, making them Real Time Factories.

As implied with some of the above uses, multiple cards could be members of the same factory so they wouldn't have to necessarily be cashed in individually.

There's no reason that there couldn't be an unlimited number of different cards if a designer wanted to make them (Individual cards or multiples of the same).

With the “Factory” set to disabled, they become regular old cards that put territories in hand. In fact, the feature could be permanently Enabled, converting all existing card setups including the current default to comply with the new standard. This would be a major game changer and there's a lot of infrastructure already in place to support it.

What is so compelling to me about this idea is that it leverages the snot out of what is arguably the most powerful and unique feature that WarGear already has - the factory, so existing designers will intuitively know how to use it.
designer_workshop/proposed/card_membership.1376333491.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/26 09:33 (external edit)