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Knight's Tour

The same basic rules can be applied to boards of various shapes, sizes and layouts, so rules are given in a general form. Specific differences between scenarios are outlined in the Scenarios section below.

You play by jumping from knight to knight. Some squares are 'dead' on the board, and cannot be occupied.


Territory border are based upon a Knight's traditional chess movement (two squares in any direction plus 1 square in a perpendicular direction).

The knight can attack any of the squares with an 'X' in it (assuming it is a valid move)


You may fortify between any two connected territories. You may return to attack from fortify.

The # of fortifications allowed is the sqrt(# of attacks) rounded up.


Any two knights that are adjacent (not bordering as defined above, but on squares that abut) are worth +1 if you own both of them.

Knights that are earning a bonus are marked with wavy lines in this picture.


Medium Fog is the default fog level and cannot be changed. Fogged knights have a wooden texture. On all except the smallest maps, additional vision borders provide one extra 'hop' of vision.


8x8 Random - 2 players

  • 3 Fortifies
  • No extra vision borders
  • Cards: 4,8,10,12,14,…

8x8 Random - 3 player

  • 3 Fortifies
  • No extra vision borders
  • Cards: 4,5,6,7,8,…


  • 4 Fortifies
  • Vision Borders for one extra hop
  • Cards: 8,8,9,9,10,10,11,…

Other Rules

  • Return to attack after fortify
  • Card Capture, but no elimination bonus


Board Creation

This board (territories, borders, continents, images, etc.) was programmatically generated in python. The board size and number of squares occupied by knights is set. Then the placement is done randomly with heuristics or deterministically. Finally XML and PNG files are created. (More details)


Thanks to CK66, Cona Chris, Livia, M57 and Mongo for their help play testing.

boards/knight_s_tour/knight_s_tour.1419359989.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/23 13:39 by Ozyman