197 Open Daily games
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SpyYoshiRv SpyYoshiRv is offline now
Rank Sergeant Sergeant
Membership Type Standard
Player #9014
Joined WarGear 3rd Apr 2011
Last Visit 31st Jul 2023 04:30
Country Mexico
Championship Points 4 (#437)
Global Ranking Score 1521 (#485)
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Team Score 867
H Rating 56%
Average turn time 8 hours 45m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 0 (13)
Elimination Streak (Best) 0 (12)
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SpyYoshiRv's Achievements

  • Marine (Play 1000 Public Games)
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Favorite Boards

World War


Always accept the changes that happen through.

Looking back into moments from the past won't solve anything.

Your current way won't always be how you will like, because, after all,

we are always in an era of change.

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Native Mexican, but able to fully understand English.

SpyYoshiRv's Wall

Pages:   1   (1 in total)
2nd Feb 2021 07:54
Message from Genghis Jhon
So, believe it or not, I actually never noticed there was a ratings tab for boards, and just recently discovered your review of Colonies from 2 years ago... D'Oh! It was suggested to me rather firmly during the board's initial review that an attack limit was essential if I wanted to allow abandonment. What would you suggest as an alternative to 12 attacks? Also looking for more specific indications of how I should rebalance the connectivity, and/or exactly what connections are missing? Thanks
#3 of 3
26th Sep 2019 04:44
Message from Aiken Drumn
You ok man? Seem to be missing a lot of turns?
#2 of 3
15th Jul 2019 00:44
Message from Thingol
Hey SYR, I enjoyed playing against you and very happy you took the time to learn my maps, especially the complex ones. Hope to see you around the site.
#1 of 3
Pages:   1   (1 in total)