193 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Mad Bomber


Pages:   12   (2 in total)
Sun 16th Jun 15:41
January 6, 2021 rated  Perfect
Good theme and many o options to try regardless of where u start. Ozy adjusted the elim bonus to a lesser amount, which I guess is good. I like both versions..placing inside and out. The plus one for every 2 and hordes really molds this thing into a gem
#36 of 36
Sun 1st May 01:59
Anarchy rated  Perfect
very creative "take" on the classic board. i rather enjoy the card scale and the elimination bonus, but I'm a big fan of elimination bonuses! more wiggle room than the og as your armies can amass more quickly. i had a blast in a team tournament recently, and thought the non team transfer was a great twist. throw your weight around when inertia hits
#35 of 36
Fri 5th Apr 02:01
Pearl Harbor rated  Superb
Many good starting positions and the plus two card scale seems perfect even though this is a smallish board
#34 of 36
Thu 8th Mar 22:00
Olympics rated  Perfect
What a fun board......I think this board plays well with several players, has good movement, bonus structure, and color scheme. I like card scales that are +2 because it is eaasier to come back from a poor start(like every game i play). Cards and elimination runs are possible with a little planning, but you never know with the fog! A +1 card scale would work here as well
#33 of 36
Mon 26th Feb 22:14
Random Mazes rated  Perfect
Bra....so bomb, this guy knows how to make a board. The variety of scenarios… Unreal. The card scale, the starting bonus, the added cards that you start with, perfect. No gray in the colors so there's no miscommunication with who is neutral.
#32 of 36
Thu 26th Oct 23:28
Project: Oblivion rated  Perfect
Unreal....both scenarios are cool.
#31 of 36
Sat 2nd Sep 23:57
The French Resistance rated  Superb
Much fun.... the more players the better....check the rules as usual
#30 of 36
Sat 25th Feb 21:43
Mario 3 -- World 7 rated  Terrible
The worst of the Mario boards. No elimination bonus. 8 sided di when attacking spades? I do like the flower and Pipe bonus's. perhaps with big time fog this board could be more fun, but nearly every game I've played has lead to a stalemate. This is a fun team board though. I repeat no elimination bonus.
#29 of 36
Sat 25th Feb 21:41
Mario 3 -- World 6 rated  Perfect
Unreal balance.....no one starts with some crazy bonus.......I love the cycle cards(unusual). Great scale vs the standard 4,6,8,10.....
#28 of 36
Sat 11th Feb 00:32
Capital Crusade rated  Perfect
Unreal good. I prefer option B. Seems like u can start anywhere and win....
#27 of 36
Fri 26th Jun 02:17
War Of The Roses rated  Perfect
A race to position yourself for a shot. A Fun board with light fog is near impossible....the card scale is perfect. Expand while limiting others as usual. You need to think a turn or two ahead, and strike at the right time......
#26 of 36
Tue 2nd Sep 23:50
Pirates of the Caribbean rated  Perfect
Wow.....only a reserve could make this better.........
#25 of 36
Mon 18th Aug 13:03
Renaissance Wars rated  Perfect
Fun factor is very high on this board. Many ways to win with starting position not an issue. Taking castles and playing defense at the right time is key.
#24 of 36
Sun 4th May 02:16
Europa 2210 rated  Superb
The best plus one card scale game I know of.......with certain territories not in view it's hard to know everything that's going on...this allows for sneaky stuff to happen.....I think the board plays best with max players.....trust your gut feelings....
#23 of 36
Fri 11th Jan 20:15
There is nothing I don,t like about this board.....so many ways to play it
#22 of 36
Mon 31st Dec 15:51
Colossal Crusade rated  Good
Stalemate possible....I suggest a alt card cycle........solar would work better with a larger reserve
#21 of 36
Sat 14th Jul 12:23
Skee rated  Perfect
great movement, smooth colors......love the math used on this board. i don't think it could get any better.........
#20 of 36
Tue 1st May 10:49
Game of Hordes! rated  Superb
love this board.....use men wisely and know when to strike....Great colors, great movement.....love the rivers and bridges......READ THE RULES!
#19 of 36
Fri 27th Jan 21:44
Helix rated  Superb
S I C K.....or do u not have rna in ya!
#18 of 36
Thu 26th Jan 18:03
Vertigo rated  Superb
wild slip n slide.....climbing at the right time is the key to the game
#17 of 36
Pages:   12   (2 in total)