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Bishbash Bishbash is offline now
Rank Private Private
Membership Type Standard
Player #10567
Joined WarGear 1st Aug 2011
Last Visit 12th Oct 2021 08:21
Country United Kingdom
Championship Points 1 (#672)
Global Ranking Score 1277 (#1011)
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H Rating 46%
Average turn time 5 hours 9m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
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Elimination Streak (Best) 1 (11)
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Pages:   1   (1 in total)
14th Aug 2014 10:30
Message from CougarDom
I'm just went into Chamber A for a card. Feel free to come into Tunnel D to do likewise.
#7 of 7
7th Aug 2014 12:31
Message from CougarDom
Hey, how do you feel about a temporary truce in Antz? Would save us from using up so many armies on our mutual borders while The Todd and Pogmahon start to get stronger...
#6 of 7
30th May 2014 15:18
Message from SpyYoshiRv
Hey, Lets form a Temporary truce to get rid of that goddamn Breaking bonus Black.
#5 of 7
5th May 2014 22:26
Message from thorpe432
In the game 5, temporary truce between Sicily and the mainland of Italy?
#4 of 7
19th Sep 2013 20:05
Message from ActionRaccoon
Hey! Hope we make a good team in Ants! I have a feeling that in passage V2 there are like 5 men cuse mabey someone reinforced. I'm gonna try to attack the surface.
#3 of 7
23rd Oct 2012 07:47
Message from sportlust
yo, dont play jelias and ziad in a game, they play team, and let 1 of them win.
#2 of 7
6th Jun 2012 07:15
Message from ferfazz
play faster bitch
#1 of 7
Pages:   1   (1 in total)