For me, it's before work/kids in the morning with cup of coffee. I'd probably set a bad example at work, but isn't there a 'work mode' version of wargear? lol. anyone use it?
There actually is a work mode under your preferences:
Work mode changes the background colors of the site to a white / grey theme and removes the site header to make your boss less likely to spot you using WarGear!
Hide the display of player profile images when viewing forum threads and game messages to further enhance work mode.
Hard to imagine it would help that much if you have a big graphic of a map on the screen, but I guess you could browse the forums!
I play almost exclusively from work, this makes weekends tough because I occasionally get a skip if I forget to check in. I have a coworker who will go to peoples offices and chat for 30 minutes easy a couple times a day. So, I don't feel bad when I take a 5 minute break and take a turn.
Abishai wrote:I play almost exclusively from work, this makes weekends tough because I occasionally get a skip if I forget to check in. I have a coworker who will go to peoples offices and chat for 30 minutes easy a couple times a day. So, I don't feel bad when I take a 5 minute break and take a turn.
i play from work when i get a few minutes.i always have three tabs (1 games, 1 forum, 1 tourney). There have been times where they've killed access to it and i PANIC severely! not good at all - luckily it's always come back soon after.
I exclusively use Work Mode; as it's easier for my eyes when most everything else is white too. it's too jarring to switch to the grey/black background. And super annoying in the forums when some posts appear blank until i highlight them and they show up (switching off work mode they show up fine).
weathertop wrote: I exclusively use Work Mode; as it's easier for my eyes when most everything else is white too. it's too jarring to switch to the grey/black background. And super annoying in the forums when some posts appear blank until i highlight them and they show up (switching off work mode they show up fine).
Weird, I've never had a problem with the forums using the grey/black background. Personally, I like the darker background because it doesn't seem as bright, and therefore hurts my eyes less. But I can see where others are coming from.
Finally had that grey/black issue pop-up. see screen snip below:
I think i may see a pattern. looking back at other ones i see; they're all "quoted" pieces of previous posts. i'll put something in support forum; see if tom sees it too.