220 Open Daily games
6 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.38 out of 10 based on 8 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


9 Apr 2022
Reviewed by Johasi Vidad  Superb
Fantastic dueling board
#8 of 8
2 Apr 2021
Reviewed by Bex Valeur  Perfect
This board is one-of-a-kind and delightfully counter-intuitive.
#7 of 8
22 Apr 2020
Reviewed by Litotes  Great
Complicated strategic board, a challenge if you have some reserve mental energy lying around. Not to be taken lightly if you want to win. Don't be impatient, time your attacks, and look for strong strategic positions.
#6 of 8
13 Sep 2019
Reviewed by Pratik  Perfect
Brilliant board! Reducing placement as you get more territories is a great change to the usual pace around WG. That can even occasionally give a losing player a way to fight back into the game.

I second Chele's point of positioning and defence being important.
#5 of 8
4 May 2018
Reviewed by Levowsky  Good
Rare board
#4 of 8
26 Mar 2017
Reviewed by Big Skin  Good
I liked the challenge, but need to work at this board more.
#3 of 8
17 May 2016
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Great
I really suck at this board, partly because I am a very offensive-minded player. However, I admit this board can be fun to play, and in some ways reminds me of Seven (or Seven Redux), one of my favorite boards on WGW. Positioning is important, you have to be very strategic about when and how to expand your territories, and how to lay out a strong defensive position. As you expand you lose placement armies (what a concept!), which may be counteracted somewhat by controlling continents. For a relatively small board, there are many ways you can win (or in my case, many ways you can lose!)

It's harder to play this board if you are a standard member, since the win depends on number of territories controlled, so you may need to do a lot of finger and toe-counting (you'll need to borrow a friend, unless you were born with more than 20 digits) to see where your opponent is compared to you. However, the first tourney on this board was won by a standard member (Yclee0206), against mostly highly skilled premium members, so your membership level is not necessarily determinant, it just makes it easier to play it if you have premium.

Great work Kjeld on a very original concept!
#2 of 8
1 Jan 2016
Reviewed by Babbalouie  Great
Great board. No cards. Different strategies.
#1 of 8