185 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 5.50 out of 10 based on 4 ratings

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22 Jul 2010
Reviewed by Mongrel  Average
This board speaks more to the need to playtest extensively, as I think it's a fantastic idea, 273 of the design decisions are correct, and it was playtested with many versions, but with 1 or 2 things not set correctly causes a substantial reduction in fun. I don't agree that the super aggressive strategy works every time, as I've played a game where that was countered effectively (though I'd say it's still a >50% likelyhood for a 1st player win in that scenario). My issue lies in the high potential for stalemate if the board "fills in", and the inability to break out of it.

As always, a sound effort by nygmatic.
#4 of 4
29 Jun 2010
Reviewed by darklord  Average
Good board, don't understand the rules but I win.
#3 of 4
25 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Oatworm  Poor
After playing in a tournament on this board, it turned out pretty quickly that player 1 has a serious advantage if they approach player 2 aggressively enough. If player 1 doesn't, this board can quickly turn into a slow, numbing slog.

This board is, unfortunately, a classic case of a good idea on paper that just didn't quite pan out. It happens.
#2 of 4
9 Jun 2010
Reviewed by M57  Average
A wonderful idea, but a bit awkward mechanically. I don't like the way unlimited fortifies drives decisions. I'm also not sure that tweaking the modifiers or rules would help that much. I suspect this type of design would benefit if it could be implemented with some designer features that I hope are in the pipeline here at WarGear.

At this writing early indications are that it is reasonably fair to seats 1 and 2, but I'll bet that there's a strong opening sequence that gives seat 1 more than a marginal advantage.
#1 of 4