172 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for jonahhsmith


Tue 10th May 13:31
Steal the Bacon rated  Fair
Meh! Should be more bacon and less armies on the hand to start so you can't win on the first turn.
#3 of 3
Wed 20th Apr 10:09
Connect Some rated  Poor
Limit the number of attacks to bring in more strategy or improve defending dice to let people survive more than one round. If that's done this could be a fun board.
#2 of 3
Fri 15th Apr 16:10
Backgammon rated  Good
I think the bonus is a bit high for the outside group of 5. Also might be nice to treat the strength of rolls similar to how the monopoly game works here. Maybe set up the 2 spots as capital cities and start troops there with no bonus until you get a full row.
#1 of 3