189 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for The Real Yin


Thu 31st May 16:12
Antastic! rated  Superb
Great board with a lot going on. Makes for a good challenge when playing full fog.
#8 of 8
Thu 31st May 16:10
7 Wonders rated  Great
I like it, but it's not one of the best.
#7 of 8
Sat 27th Aug 11:13
World War rated  Perfect
When I first saw this board and started to play on it, I wasn't so sure about the layout and coloration. But once I was using it I grow to love it. It's almost like a more complex version of Colossal Crusade.
#6 of 8
Wed 10th Aug 17:53
Battlestar rated  Superb
Well done.
#5 of 8
Mon 18th Jul 12:33
Fall of Rome rated  Great
This was a nice change of pace. You'll have to employ a different strategy concerning territory because of the bonus rules, but it's a fun board.
#4 of 8
Mon 18th Jul 12:28
WarGear Warfare rated  Good
Risk, like you remember it, but without all the time wasted in board setup and math. Would be nice to have a territory grab at the start though, instead of the random assigning.
#3 of 8
Mon 18th Jul 12:26
Colossal Crusade rated  Perfect
Love this board. It is perfect for a long game with many people. Just the way RISK should be.
#2 of 8
Mon 18th Jul 12:25
Capital Crusade rated  Superb
Good board. It adds a new but likable strategy to the game. It's different from your run of the mill RISK game, but it's a good change.
#1 of 8