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warqueer warqueer is offline now
Rank Brigadier General Brigadier General
Membership Type Standard
Player #36035
Joined WarGear 29th Sep 2015
Last Visit 26th Jul 2024 21:37
Country Germany
Championship Points 69 (#50)
Global Ranking Score 1456 (#599)
Monthly Score 1109
Team Score 942
H Rating 62%
Average turn time 3 hours 19m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 2 (24)
Elimination Streak (Best) 4 (24)
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warqueer's Achievements

  • Combat Veteran (Play 3000 Public Games)
  • Deadly (Win 2000 Public Games)
  • Team Player (Play One Public Team Game)
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  • Unstoppable (Eliminate 20 players in succession)
  • Monster Winstreak (Win 20 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
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  • Quick Thinker (Played a Realtime game)
  • Fischer Price (Played a Fischer Clock game)
  • In The Points (Scored a Championship Point)

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Pages:   1   (1 in total)
25th Oct 2021 01:01
Message from RUTHLEZZG
'Trips To Win - Texas ' want to play in this 3 person Texas tournament with BlueFinKIlla and I? It has team transfer if so make a team and well join
#19 of 19
18th May 2021 20:07
Message from RUTHLEZZG
Global Cooperation Join us in this tournament
#18 of 19
7th Oct 2020 03:36
Message from RUTHLEZZG
Prion 4 Tournament Lets team up in this one. looks like a killer map. make a team and i'll join
#17 of 19
14th Dec 2019 03:58
Message from RUTHLEZZG
theres 3 great tourneys starting up and I'd be willing to play in any of them or all three but they are all 2 day turn times: civil war, world map, and france. make a team and message me and ill joint any/all of them
#16 of 19
29th Sep 2019 21:05
Message from RUTHLEZZG
Medal of Honor Tournament lets team up in this Civil War tourney. Make a team and i'll join. its a stacked tourney already but i wanna beat these guys bad
#15 of 19
16th Jul 2019 13:06
Message from RUTHLEZZG
would you like to team up in the Civil War tournament 'Civil Peace '? Make a team and I will join. Colossal Crusade is pretty much my worst map and this one is my best so we'll have a better chance of taking this one down
#14 of 19
28th Apr 2019 23:50
Message from RUTHLEZZG
want to team up in the 'the world is Yours' tournamnet? Make a team and i'll join
#13 of 19
2nd Mar 2019 21:59
Message from RUTHLEZZG
Lets team up in this one: Host: charlesdale Format: Round Robin Board: The French Resistance
#12 of 19
28th Feb 2019 15:17
Message from RUTHLEZZG
too bad about the Civil War. At least I have two war mongerers on my team! we will have to find another game to join up in. My Civil War tourney is a big hit 38/48 people already have joined!
#11 of 19
17th Feb 2019 00:45
Message from RUTHLEZZG
join my team in 'BLOODBATH of BROTHER vs BROTHER'
#10 of 19
9th Jan 2019 23:55
Message from RUTHLEZZG
you sent a public message in the team game again with strategy. are we fooling them again??
#9 of 19
22nd Sep 2016 20:50
Message from Edward Nygma
Glad you're still playing!
#8 of 19
12th Sep 2016 12:15
Message from Farm Wife
Thanks for being a great teammate! :)
#7 of 19
10th Sep 2016 18:18
Message from Mad Bomber
I think u are already in it? Anyway I created a team name for us in the battleship tournament........I hope u join!
#6 of 19
22nd Nov 2015 22:29
Message from Edward Nygma
I believe all games with direct invitations are unranked. So as long as you invite all the players directly, it will not count towards your rankings. Feel free to pick a board and invite me. If you need more players to fill the seats, let me know. There are lots of people here happy to help with that stuff.
#5 of 19
19th Nov 2015 19:59
Message from Edward Nygma
Feel free to invite me to a game if you want to try a board out, have any questions, or just want somebody to play with.
#4 of 19
11th Nov 2015 22:23
Message from KaiserCrawford
#3 of 19
11th Nov 2015 22:23
Message from KaiserCrawford
how do I add as friend?
#2 of 19
10th Nov 2015 15:36
Message from KaiserCrawford
#1 of 19
Pages:   1   (1 in total)