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sirdakka sirdakka is offline now
Rank Lieutenant General Lieutenant General
Membership Type Premium
Player #33913
Joined WarGear 17th Feb 2015
Last Visit 26th Jul 2024 20:18
Country United Kingdom
Championship Points 198 (#14)
Global Ranking Score 2604 (#22)
Monthly Score 1790
Team Score 1910
H Rating 69%
Average turn time 2 hours 4m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 0 (12)
Elimination Streak (Best) 11 (29)
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sirdakka's Achievements

  • Special Forces (Play 5000 Public Games)
  • Elite (Win 3000 Public Games)
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  • Got Your Back (Win 10 Public Team Games)
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sirdakka is Top Ranked on these boards

sirdakka's Trophy Cabinet


If you enter a truce with me, it applies SOLELY to the border(s) specified, and unless otherwise stated requires the providence of 1 complete round to pass before attacking across said border(s). One can attack immediately upon receipt of notice of cancellation.

I consider the truce automatically null and void if one of the following occurs:

- You lose control over the territory specified in the truce;

- You break this or any other standing truce on the board;

- You take out the 3rd last player in the game.

I hold myself to the same terms.

sirdakka's Wall

Pages:   1   (1 in total)
16th Jul 2024 19:39
Message from Motts
I am the very model of a modern major-general, A border? bonus? continent? I'll quote them categorical. I've information of the board and strategy immaculate, When attacking my opponents, they really are no match for it
#15 of 15
29th Sep 2019 07:25
Message from Chele Nica
You're almost caught up to me now! Impressive climb in CPs in just a few months. Hopefully we'll both break into the 200s pretty soon
#14 of 15
8th Feb 2019 09:23
Message from Chele Nica
Not the first time I have a sizable lead over you, and then you come charging back! In any case, thanks for the congrats, it's been a fun race :)
#13 of 15
4th Jun 2018 20:56
Message from Chele Nica
Just my luck to finally catch up to you just as I'm heading on sabbatical!
#12 of 15
3rd Sep 2017 23:23
Message from Chele Nica
I run barefoot, just like this guy: http://bit.ly/2eAQ8y3
#11 of 15
28th Aug 2017 15:27
Message from Chele Nica
I've been watching you creeping up for awhile now, and my undisclosed target (till now) has been to outrun you ;)
#10 of 15
24th Aug 2017 16:42
Message from Chele Nica
Wow, you made it to 100 CPs, I better get my act together if I want to stay ahead of you!
#9 of 15
21st May 2017 20:07
Message from Chele Nica
Thanks for your comment, it's always pleasure to play you on all kinds of boards. Our epic BoB battle is one of my most memorable WGW games, not only for the amazing battle, but for our friendly banter as well
#8 of 15
23rd Apr 2017 01:48
Message from Colingrams
Can you stop being so good? Thanks. -Everyone
#7 of 15
23rd Mar 2017 15:58
Message from Terminatorr
Always fun to play against you in Colossal Crusade. Strong player
#6 of 15
23rd Jan 2017 10:56
Message from talonmccloud
on behalf of our team (tastyjams, skitterdood, trashpanda), we are genuinely sorry you got stuck with dblanch that last game. You should've won.
#5 of 15
4th Nov 2016 07:58
Message from WileECoyote
Dear Gaad!! I hadn't read the smallprint.... Where do I sign ?
#4 of 15
1st Nov 2016 18:47
Message from Paelias
Congrats on top ranked for Colossal Crusade!! It's really fun playing with you!
#3 of 15
4th Oct 2016 13:56
Message from WileECoyote
message for ya in game "FIVE"
#2 of 15
21st Aug 2016 11:28
Message from TobsontheGreat
Do you want to be on my team in who shall rule the earth
#1 of 15
Pages:   1   (1 in total)