183 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game
Date Time Game Name Board Name Players Result Delta Score
29-Jan-2022 03:47 America North America 8 Loss 7 871
16-Jan-2022 13:01 war Global Warfare 8 Loss 9 878
12-Feb-2021 22:51 Unlimited Breadsticks Reef 3 Loss 18 887
20-Oct-2020 21:55 5 WarGear Warfare 5 Loss 11 905
17-Oct-2020 23:29 Heavy Tits of Stone Titans of Italy 5 Loss 14 916
01-Oct-2020 16:57 Dulce et decorum est Titans of Italy 6 Loss 14 930
28-Sep-2020 23:35 ph Pearl Harbor 4 Loss 21 944
16-Sep-2020 17:01 Fun Civil War 2 Loss 35 965
Initial Score1000
High score: 965 / Low score: 871 / Longest Win Streak: