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erastus25 erastus25 is offline now
Rank Private Private
Membership Type Standard
Player #6059
Joined WarGear 6th Oct 2010
Last Visit 15th Jul 2024 10:27
Country United States
Championship Points 2 (#539)
Global Ranking Score 1381 (#755)
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Team Score 1146
H Rating 59%
Average turn time 2 hours 29m
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Pages:   1   (1 in total)
9th Jan 2014 20:33
Message from mhudd100
enjoy europe.....could not get my private message to work
#12 of 12
29th Nov 2013 16:13
Message from falcon21000
Thx. You are on mine for a while now. :)
#11 of 12
29th Nov 2013 15:37
Message from falcon21000
That is why he is on my enemy list.
#10 of 12
29th Nov 2013 15:28
Message from falcon21000
If you attack him in South America I will attack him in Europe. Agreed?
#9 of 12
9th Nov 2013 11:20
Message from falcon21000
Thanks man. The pleasure was mine. :)
#8 of 12
31st Oct 2013 16:22
Message from andyf
very honourable player. terminated the game when he could have won easily because the third player cheated. play anytime.
#7 of 12
2nd Oct 2013 23:58
not a good game rayray has do suicide jumps to make you win what you talking about ...It's cheating you and rayray ..you was even not in game you was suposer being eliminated I know why you have much point you cheat.
#6 of 12
30th Aug 2013 16:12
Message from franyosoy
yes dude, i will
#5 of 12
29th May 2013 17:41
Message from TheChosen
Another great game!
#4 of 12
1st May 2013 18:03
Message from TheChosen
Good game.. play anytime
#3 of 12
26th Apr 2013 18:47
Message from renjason
come join a big one... http://www.wargear.net/games/join/262527
#2 of 12
2nd Apr 2013 19:58
Message from beserker42
I honestly believe that guy has a personal vendetta against me. I have never played a game where he didn't act against me even when it meant he would lose.
#1 of 12
Pages:   1   (1 in total)